
  1. A

    Underwater Full-Spectrum Quantum Meter

    Hi guy... I am interest in buying a Par Meter. Which one do think is better between MQ-510 and MQ-520??? I know that MQ-520 is only Cable. But can you buy a separate monitor device or it? Or it always need to be plug to a PC? Also, I have a Deep Pool-like Tank. I think MQ-520 is best because...
  2. C

    Illinois Aquariums Lighting Testing LED Selling Apogee MQ-510 Par Meter

    I am working my way out of the hobby and am selling my par meter. I have used this only a few times. I bought this from Bulk Reef Supply and the current price from BRS is $538.00. I am selling mine for $425.00 with shipping included. I am including a printed manual for it. My paypal is...
  3. jason2459

    ROUND 2! PAR Shootout! Seneye Reef Monitor v2 VS. Apex PMK vs. Apogee MQ-510 Full

    So.... Round 2 has started! Skip to it here: Original Round 1 continue on below: Background: I bought this Seneye Reef Monitor off...