moving tank

  1. M

    Brook wiped the tank. Need to move the tank to another location

    Hello everyone, Recently had a brook outbreak in my 150 gal tank (FOWLR). Unfortunately could not save any inhabitants and now all I have is an empty tank (fishless) with water, sand and live rocks. I understand the process of running fallow for 6-8 weeks. I had planned a home upgrade down the...
  2. randalli

    The prospect of moving my tank 800km makes me panic quite a bit

    So I have some experience with moving tanks (fresh and saltwater) of various sizes. But only over short distances like half and hour drive or something. This time it's different. We are going to move from Munich to Hamburg "soon". Some things need to be clarified still but it's pretty certain...
  3. SuperNarwhal46

    Inheriting a bigger tank and I have some questions….

    So I am probably going to be inheriting an active 75g tank with 2 old clownfish and some corals in it. It is about an hour away from where I live, and I was kind of wondering how I am going to move the tank/fish/corals into my house. I don’t have too much experience in the hobby, and I have a...
  4. Reefing Reefer

    EMERGENCY Help with moving reef

    I am moving on Feb 26th (relocating for work about 50 miles), movers are coming packing and picking up all of my belongings. I don't get the keys to my new place until March 1st, leaving me without options to store my nano reef tank for 3 days. 1. I've never had to move a reef tank; any...
  5. C

    Changing from having a maintenance company to DIY

    Hi! I currently have 3 tanks - a 250g reef tank, a 50g ish fish only tank, and a 40g ish decommissioned jelly tank. The fish only tank is at my home and the other two are at my office. They all have been and currently are being maintained by a company since I've had them (about 4 years)...
  6. csab1n

    How long it takes for a tank to re-cycle on average?(and how long can corals go without lighting?)

    So I just did a 4 day cross country move and brought all the livestock and equipment with me. I threw out all the old sand. Unfortunately most of my live rock had to go in the trailer, submerged under water in a tote. Needless to say it was less than ideal to begin with, but I had no more room...
  7. B

    Moving house...

    Hi everyone, just been informed by my landlord that he is selling our flat, so we will be moving in the near future... we will likely be moving no further than a 10 minute drive away. I am in 2 minds about what to do with my tank. It’s only been set up 5 months but has a fair amount of...
  8. Janesreef

    Redoing aquascape after big move

    **ATTACHED PICS** I have a 75gal reef tank with live rock, 3 fish (coral beauty, clown, mandarin goby), 5 coral (three of which are attached to rock) and a clam that is also attached to rock. I did a big move into a new home and because of the pandemic I wasn’t able to hire movers for my tank...
  9. B

    Hello New Tank Help, Expectations...

    Hello Everyone, Just joined the page! I have had freshwater tanks for years now and have just been given the opportunity to receive a 120 gal Reef tank. I have done a lot of research over the years as I always wanted a saltwater set up. I am getting this tank for nothing, everything included, I...
  10. Az reefer

    Large Build 225 gallon build thread

    Happy Holidays Reefers!!! I am starting a 225 gallon build and have purchased the tank used. It is a 72x24x30 225 gallon center overflow. First thing will be to get it cleaned and leak tested, then I will remove the center overflow and install 2 ghost overflows. Either Reef Savvy or similiar. I...
  11. kayla s

    Success post for 8 hour transport

    Hi all, I recently made an 8 hour drive transporting a 20g tank, with 100% inhabitants surviving, so I thought I’d make a little case experiment write up in case it can help others. My method used 2 five gallon buckets, inside a styrofoam cooler. Both filled with display tank water, then fish...
  12. Jaag

    Moving The Reef 2,000 Miles.

    In October last year I was offered a seat in the physician assistant program at West Liberty University in West Virginia. I am super excited about getting into their school. It was a big feat considering only 18 people get accepted. I will be moving in May from Utah to West Virginia. I am going...
  13. Freakmachine01

    Entire tank crashed after move!!!!!

    Hello all. I am a newbie to the hobby, but I got addicted so fast I love it. My tank has been up and doing great for the past year. I have made many improvements and have learned all lot. I moved this past week and after 1 day of moving the tank, everything died. All the corals, All the fish...
  14. Evan West

    Moving Time? My Advice to You.

    Welcome! Hello all, I am what I would consider to be somewhat of an expert on moving a reef tank. I say this because due to the way my college works I move every 3 months......gasp! yes yes I know bring on the nay sayers! "That's bad for your reef they need stability!".......and yes your right...
  15. Simply__J

    Cube Build Redsea Reefer 170 all the way from a 55 gal

    While moving I took the opportunity to trade my almost 3 year old year old 55 gal. for an unfinished 45 gal. rimless cube. I'm very excited to be a part of Clube Cube as my holy grail of tanks is a 90 gal. rimless cube.(I'm half way there) I'll be sharing some of the progress I've made and will...
  16. Z

    New to saltwater aquariums. Advice needed.

    So I've been thinking of getting a saltwater reef tank for quite some time. Today I came across a post on a 55 gallon cube saltwater tank that comes with everything, even a clownfish. Only problem I have is how I would move everything, tank, live rock and sand, fish, etc. When I get to my house...
  17. Idoc

    New to Saltwater -- Taking over a friend's old tank

    Hello all... Well, after years of freshwater aquariums and the deep desire to setup a saltwater tank, I'm finally doing it! I finally retired from the military and settled in my "permanent" home, so now I can focus on my tank and not worry about moving around the world every couple of years...
Reef Kinetics