moving home

  1. efrainrodz.94

    Moving Fluval 13.5

    Hey guys, I have a Fluval 13.5 tank that has been established for more than 2 years. I am moving on Saturday to a place that is just 20 mins away from my actual place. I have some questions. Do I need to empty the complete tank? Should I add new sand? For a 13 gallon tank, what's the best moving...
  2. randalli

    The prospect of moving my tank 800km makes me panic quite a bit

    So I have some experience with moving tanks (fresh and saltwater) of various sizes. But only over short distances like half and hour drive or something. This time it's different. We are going to move from Munich to Hamburg "soon". Some things need to be clarified still but it's pretty certain...
  3. B

    Moving house...

    Hi everyone, just been informed by my landlord that he is selling our flat, so we will be moving in the near future... we will likely be moving no further than a 10 minute drive away. I am in 2 minds about what to do with my tank. It’s only been set up 5 months but has a fair amount of...