
  1. NickV34

    Fish transfer help

    I am setting up a 150 gallon and transferring everything from my 60 gallon over. I am getting a blue tang and a fox-face from a local reefer that is breaking down a tank. Can I keep those two in my 60 gallon for a few weeks until I can transfer them over? current stock is 2 clowns 1 bristle...
  2. mavillan

    Should I Replace Substrate?

    Hello! I just moved across the country, and brought my fish tanks over in two phases. Everything survived!!! My 2 clown fish, GSP, Golden Hammer, and small COC have been living in my QT for about 3-4 weeks. Now that I am about to bring up my DT and set everything back up for that, I am not sure...
  3. Waterbox Aquariums

    How To: Transfer an Existing AIO Aquarium to a Sump System | Upgrading the ORA Build - JOIN US TO WIN A WATERBOX SWAG BAG!

    Hello, R2R! We've got a new mini series airing this week, featuring our friends at ORA. For our first episode, we will be discussing the benefits of choosing a system with a sump! Learn more about aquaculture and the future of the hobby with Waterbox and ORA on Wednesdays (6:00 PM EST) as...
  4. LegalReefer

    How to transport a small tank?

    Hey all, I have a small 5 gallon reef aquarium that I have loved working with and caring for. However, I’m moving about a 7 hour’s drive away in a few days, and I want to bring my aquarium with me as-is, if possible. How should I go about doing this? I’ve heard a bucket from Lowe’s and an...
  5. Schraufabagel

    Cycle Tank Now or Later?

    I am moving on June 1st; only about 2 hours away. I know cycling takes time to build a good bacteria population (I have some freshwater tanks). I have my first saltwater tank already. I am wondering if it would be a terrible idea to start cycling my tank now and move it on that day. Would moving...
  6. TCoach

    92 Corner Move Thread

    This thread is the start of my moving a 16 year old 92 corner home. Currently, it is at the current owners house which is 10 min away, and we'll be moving to my house. Long term goal is to use the 92 gallon corner since it is such a beautiful tank. However, many people have stressed concerns...
  7. W

    Help, help! Moving tank across room, in-wall

    So, I'm locked in and laid off and i have started a project to remodel my basement. Plans include moving my 150 gallon reef tank to the other end of the basement, and into a new wall and building a shadow box background. I have began construction, and am now at the point where i need advice on...
  8. DeepBlueSomething

    Relocating Mushrooms, advice needed

    I have mushrooms on several decent size rocks and I would like to move a few. I have read on here about using a credit card to remove them from a location, but how would I encourage them to their new location? Any help would be much appreciated!
  9. Evan West

    Moving Time? My Advice to You.

    Welcome! Hello all, I am what I would consider to be somewhat of an expert on moving a reef tank. I say this because due to the way my college works I move every 3 months......gasp! yes yes I know bring on the nay sayers! "That's bad for your reef they need stability!".......and yes your right...
  10. Mike Arnold

    Moving DSB

    I need some advice on moving my 75 gallon tank with DSB. I've seen some good videos on moving tanks, and have a pretty good idea how to plan the move. I see some recommend throwing the sand away, except for a a cup for seeding, and some recommend keeping the sand and some recommend keeping but...
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