
  1. CincyReefer07

    20 inch Zebra Eel…how much would you feed?

    Just curious if I’m doing this right. I have a currently 20 inch long zebra moray eel in my 310 gallon. After a week in my tank he’s finally started eating. I fed him a piece of raw uncooked table shrimp. And then 3 days later I fed him a scallop. Plan on feeding him again again tomorrow. I have...
  2. CincyReefer07

    Tangs Bullying Eel

    Has anyone ever experience fish bullying an eel? I put a 20 inch long zebra moray eel into my 8 foot long 310 gallon mixed reef Saturday afternoon and as soon as my gem and pair of yellow tangs see my zebra eels head start to pop out of any rock cave or crevice they go after it turning sideways...
  3. CincyReefer07

    How has your experience been with Zebra Morays?

    Looking to get ideas and thoughts from those of you that have kept zebra morays in the past, more specifically in a reef tank. Was the zebra moray any kind of an issue for you? Did you have to do anything special for your zebra moray? Did it demolish your cuc or were they okay? What was the...
  4. Kyuubi

    Banana moray and Zebra moray best friends

    Hi just wanted to post a video of my eels, they are doing great and are now on a fully frozen diet! Mango is my banana moray, and Beetlejuice is my zebra moray, they both super friendly and I always see Mango hanging out from one of the caves. On their upgrade tank I’m definitely making the pvc...
  5. TonysReef

    Large Build Smaug the Tesselata Moray Eel

    I'm not sure why it's taken me so long to post here, but it's Smaug's four month anniversary this week, so this is as good a time as any. I'll start with some backstory. I picked up Smaug at the end of July 2022 after walking past him at an LFS a few times and not really even considering him...
  6. Trinh Fish & Corals

    Zebra Moray Eel (18-26”) Available $225 Free Shipping

    I have a zebra moray eel that is around 18-26” long. He eats great & looks awesome. Price is $225 with free UPS Next Day Air shipping.
  7. The Small Questions

    Dwarf moray questions and general tank questions

    I'm planning on getting into saltwater, for 3 creatures in particular: The golden dwarf moray, the skunk cleaner shrimp, and the blood red fire shrimp. I want to make a reef tank out of a 32.5 gallon fluval flex (apparentally the light grows all of the easy tentacled corals that i love) and am...
  8. Caleb1266

    Moray Eel Compatibility

    I have an 8’ 150g and the current stock list includes: 1 9” Yellowhead Moray 1 7” Snoflake Eel 1 3” Emperor Angel 1 5” Red Tooth Trigger 1 6” Volitan Lion 1 3” Falco Hawkfish 1 5” Foxface I would like to add another species of Moray and then that’s it for now. Any suggestions on an eel that...
  9. B

    Aquascaping for a Zebra Moray Eel

    I am working on ideas for aquascaping my new 300 gallon FOWLR tank. I would like to have a zebra moray eel as part of my FOWLR tank and trying to figure out how I want to aquascape. I would like to use a PVC tunnel for the eel, but trying to figure out the right size. I can't find much...
  10. C

    Whitemouth Moray Eel

    I am looking to set up a 125-150g saltwater aquarium up here in the next few months and I was wondering if anybody has had experiences or has knowledge about keeping Whitemouth Moray Eels? I have done a lot of research, but wanted to see if anybody has had these eels before. Also - does anyone...
  11. SashimiTurtle

    Golden Dwarf Moray stopped eating

    I've had my Maui for about 6-7 months now. When I first got him he was healthy and started eating right away, something you eel keepers will know doesn't happen often with new eels. He stayed in a 10g tank with live rock and macros for a month or two while my display cycled. Once the display was...
  12. Aaron Davis

    Golden Dwarf Moray Eel Quarantine

    Hey all, I got super lucky and will be purchasing a Golden Dwarf Moray Eel from a LFS here and was wondering about quarantine methods. I reviewed some quarantine threads and have done so before for fish, but never for eels. I want to make sure that I do this right the first time around...
  13. Aaron Davis

    Golden Dwarf Moray Eel

    Hey fellow hobbyist! I am in a desperate search for a Golden Dwarf Moray Eel. I am not interested in solid colored one. I'm more looking for one similar to the images below. There's a few vendors out there I've spoken with, some of which are selling their eels for $150 to $225. However, only one...
  14. Patrick Fulton

    Fimbriated Eel Tankmates?

    Hey, this is my first post, so forgive me if I'm doing this wrong....BUT I have a 90 gallon tank with a Fimbriated AKA Yellow-headed moray eel. He's about 16 inches or so and I'm looking to add some fish to the tank. I'd prefer them to be reef safe because I have a bunch of mushrooms and a few...
  15. Nad121

    DIY eel trap

    I have a 240 gallon fowlr that came down with ich. I was able to catch all the fish in a trap with the exception of a small longnose hawkfish and my 2.5 foot zebra moray eel. I designed a trap to catch the eel. I cut a piece of 2 1/2" pvc to about 2 foot long and capped one end. I then drilled...
  16. Steve's Saltwater life

    Extra large moray eels

    I have a 3 1/2 foot tessalata Morey eel that has way outgrown it's 60gal aquarium. I have setup a new 150gal and gave it a month to cycle. My problem is finding a way to get him out of the 60gal. Any net big enough to hold him won't fit through the top. the top has a glass brace Which only...
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