montipora pests

  1. Y

    My ongoing battle with monti eating nudibranchs

    So some background: Montipora are my favorite corals and thus I have stocked my tank full of all types of montiporas. More than half of my corals are montipora and they were all doing GREAT until a couple of weeks ago. My tank is a bit newer (a little less than a year) and so when two of my...
  2. R

    Montipora Dying

    Hi all, About 3 weeks ago, I noticed some bleaching out on my montipora. Just a few spots that seemed to follow a line going lengthwise up the monti. About a week after noticing the damage I removed the coral and inspected it, hoping to find nodibranchs or something else obvious and...
  3. R

    Black spot on Montipora

    Hi all! I noticed a dark spot on my montipora a few weeks ago. I'm not sure if it's something to be concerned with. Whatever it is, it doesn't seem to be progressing quickly. Could this just be new growth? Or is it some kind of pest I need t worry about?
Aquarium Specialty