molting crab

  1. J

    Hermit crab molt or carcass

    Hi guys, I’m completely new to all this so thought I’d get a second opinion I checked last night all three hermit crabs was out and about doing what they do. this morning whilst doing my checks I found only one crabs carcass or molt what do you guys think?
  2. Tobin VP

    When Nassarius Vibex Snails Attack Molting Spotted Porcelain Crab

    I have 4 species of snails and a spotted porcelain crab in a 10 gallon Coral/Invert Quarantine tank (Fiji AIO cube). There are currently no corals in the QT tank. I have had livestock in this tank for 6 weeks preparing them for introduction to a new Red Sea Reefer 200XL display. I powered off...
  3. Rakesh3012

    What happens to old hermit legs after molting

    So my halloween hermit just molted, gave me quite a scare as i saw its legs outside of its shell and i thought it was dead for a second. Do they eat their old legs and arms (the part that has been molted) after molting? Do they need it or can i remove it? Was thinking of preserving it in some...
  4. taymarie

    Emerald crab bug?

    I have an emerald crab who always seems happy. He has already molted once like two months ago? I haven’t seen him for a few days and today I found him stuck to a rock. On further inspection it was either a molt or he’s dead. I’m not quite sure. I have a ten gallon with two clowns and some frag...
  5. SkyDoodles

    Crab molt question...

    So I just watch one of my anemone crabs molt... Usually don't see them do it so that was pretty cool to watch. What do you do with the exoskeleton when u see it in there? Leave it or pull it? I'm just curious about general thoughts. Thanx