
  1. SelkieSam

    What lives on fire shrimp exoskeleton?

    My Fire Shrimp had a normal molt and for fun I looked at the old exoskeleton under my microscope. Is there a way to find out what sort of things live on a shrimp normally? Or if some of these little guys just live in the saltwater in general? Interested if anyone has good resources or knowledge...
  2. J

    Hermit crab molt or carcass

    Hi guys, I’m completely new to all this so thought I’d get a second opinion I checked last night all three hermit crabs was out and about doing what they do. this morning whilst doing my checks I found only one crabs carcass or molt what do you guys think?
  3. anabechara

    Could I help him?

    Hello there! My cleaner shrimp molted last night and today he looks like a truck ran him over... he is missing his hind legs, his antennae are wrinkled and thin and he can barely move... I have been keeping am eye on him waiting to see if he will harden throughout the day but nothing... In my...
  4. Alexraptor

    Do you still freak out over 'molts'?

    I've been in the SW hobby for a good 17+ years. I'm rather used to all the like-clockwork hermit molts that show up on a weekly basis from some random hermit, but I must confess, with some animals I still get spooked or do a double take. Just today, I saw one of my two pom-pom crabs, looking...
  5. AquasKy

    Coral Banded Shrimp help

    Hi all, don’t know if I posted it in the right place or not but I’ve had my coral banded shrimp for four or five months now with no issues. Healthy molts and everything. Today when I peeked in at him, I noticed that he had either molted over the night or before I saw him in the early morning...
  6. A

    Horseshoe Crab Molting Deformity

    I have had my horseshoe crabs for 3 years, they have molted several times over the years however I encountered an issue that non of the forms I have read have covered my horseshoe crab had a molt but something went wrong, he cracked the shell open before fully exiting the shell and then he got...
  7. F

    RBTA Split and Fire Red Shrimp Molted Same Night. Good, Bad, or Indifferent?

    My Rose Bubble Tip Anemone has yet to have bubble like tentacles since I got it over a month ago. Shortly before receiving the anemone the previous owner told me it had split, mine being the mother. I got a fire red shrimp also about a month ago and it has molted three times already. Last...
  8. Reef and Dive

    Iodine and invertebrate molting - good or bad?

    I´ve been searching for serious articles on the role of iodine in invertebrate molting. - There is the hobby the belief that iodine is required for molting and is a required ion for that purpose (not specifically going into dosing controversies). - There is also the belief that iodine dosing...
  9. SkyDoodles

    Crab molt question...

    So I just watch one of my anemone crabs molt... Usually don't see them do it so that was pretty cool to watch. What do you do with the exoskeleton when u see it in there? Leave it or pull it? I'm just curious about general thoughts. Thanx
  10. BloopFish

    Molted Sponge Crab Looks like a Ghost!

    Woke up to seeing this, what a gnarly looking crab!
  11. Perpetual Novice

    Help! Mantis shrimp molting

    I just added a bunch of new rock, inverts, and macroalgae to my tank with a peacock mantis shrimp. I was working and rearranging things for at least an hour. Then again the following day. A giant hermit crab I rather like fell into the mantis burrow but the mantis never attacked. So I spent 15...
  12. Jimbo Bucket

    Horseshoe Crab Molt

    I came across this the other day: I pulled it out, its not a dead crab, appears to be a molt (silver dollar size). Couldn't find any posts on it so I thought I would post my experience. 90gal reef, about an inch of sand. Horseshoe crab added to the system on 9/30/16. He was very visible for...
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