
  1. Lagoon Paradise

    Lagoon Paradise

    80 gallon frag tank . We make 2 years in October.
  2. P

    Hello 7 gallon Nano

    I’ve posted a few questions, but figured it was time to do an official tank introduction. I jumped back into reefing after a long hiatus and boy has quite a bit changed. I was young (16-17) when I first started and didn’t really have the knowledge and capability of reef-keeping but now, at 30...
  3. bReefedBaker

    29g Mixed Reef Aquarium (30”x12”x18”)

    I’ve done so much browsing regarding my 29g aquarium and the lighting that would be best for a mixed reef. Every single 29g thread I search on the World Wide Web is a nano tank, a biocube or some sort of AIO system. As mentioned in the title of this thread; the dimensions of my aquarium...
  4. CompulsiveFragCollector86

    Lighting for 40 Breeder Mixed Reef Hydra32hd X2 !

    So my tanks been running for over a year now recently switched from 2X16hdPrimes too 2XHYDRA32S. I have 3DReefing diffusers as well just to feel a little safer persay about not burning my corals like I did in the beginning of joining the hobby, and I upgraded my lights so that there would be no...
TCK Corals