missing fish

  1. S

    Angels keep disappearing

    Yellow Angel was perfectly healthy - lived months - disappeared and haven’t seen it ever again. Just bought an emperor Angel a week ago, was doing great and suddenly this am the emperor is nowhere to be found. Any insight?
  2. erchins8

    Missing Bicolor Blenny

    Can't find my blenny in my 20g, i remember seeing him a little under a week ago and i haven't seen him since. I have a Possum Wrasse, Pearly Jawfish, and an Ocellaris Clown pair. Anything I can do to coax him out or any idea when i'd see them?
  3. sparrow78

    Missing Sailfin Tang

    Hello fellow reefers! Recently added a small/med sailfin tang to our 125gal reef and within a few days it’s gone MIA. We’ve looked everywhere and moved some of the LR to see if maybe got stuck in the rockwork but to no avail. Are they known to be jumpers? If that’s the case it probably got...
  4. TheXpander

    Missing anglefish

    Hi, Longtime lurker here! I noticed tonight my flameback angel is missing! I have a FOWLR with red legged hermits, banded trochus snails, a cleaner shrimp, 2 common clowns, 7 green chromis, a blue cheek goby, an orchid dottyback, a royal gramma and a 6 line wrasse. I don’t think it jumped...
  5. Arcticreef

    Which coral ate my 3 fish?

    In the past 4 weeks I have lost 3 fish, all of them between 2-10 days new to the tank. The first was a nervous dispar anthia, the second a gorgeous 1.5 inch coral beauty and 3rd was a 2.5 inch diamond sandsifting goby. The first possibly hid and starved to death. But the others were eating well...
  6. RedSea50Gang

    Azure Damsel missing! Who done it?

    Hi friends! I bought an azure damsel from my lfs two weeks ago now... he seemed happy healthy and vibrant until he went missing 3 days ago. His name was Azi and we miss him. I shifted live rock carefully and slightly looking for him, checked my overflow filter areas...looked around the ground in...
  7. AVamosi

    Missing Diamond Goby & Scooter Blenny

    Been missing my Diamond Goby and Scooter Blenny for about a week now. Tank parameters have been good minus an alkaline spike to about 14 for 2 or three days, which only seemed to affect two plate coral and possibly a blood shrimp. I keep a top on my tank at all times unless I’m feeding them...
  8. C

    Missing fish?

    This morning I woke up to one fish in my tank. I have or had 2 clown fish but one is gone. It is a quarantine tank so there’s not very much in it. My filter cannot suck in any fish as well as as of the powerhead. Would it be possible for one clown to eat the other. I am so confused. I do have a...
  9. C

    BioCube 30gal Missing Fish - Case of the Disappearing Fish

    I have had a biocube 30gal for about 5 years now and my fish disappear consistently. I have never found one even when I know it was there earlier in the day but isn't later in the day. I have looked up in the hood, the back in all 3 compartments, in the sand, under the rocks and have even torn...
  10. S

    Orchid Dottybacks missing!! PLEASE HELP

    45 gal mixed reef/ clownfish/ Dottybacks and goby I bought a pair of orchid Dottybacks a month ago, they had no problem until 3 days ago when one of them disappeared. 3 days ago I saw them both when I fed them in the morning but during the night feeding one didn't come out. This is extremely...
  11. Michelesreef

    Can't find blue tang

    It's been three or four days and there's been ONE sign of him and then nothing. The only thing i haven't done is move some rocks to see if he died. There is seaweed for him and plenty of hiding spots. I'm very worried...
  12. Clarinuto

    where to find captive-bred royal gramma? and other newb questions

    I have read online that royal gramma's were able to be captive-bred long ago, but I don't see them for sale (at least not with the specific label that they were captive-bred)? Also, I added a royal gramma a week ago. She seemed to be doing well on day 1 and 2, but has disappeared since. I...
  13. ThunderGoose

    Missing watchman goby

    I QT a watchman goby, added it to my DT, it was active and out and about for about a week then disappeared. I haven't seen her in about a month. When do I decide she died and got eaten by the shrimp? I did not get an ammonia spike that would indicate a dead body somewhere (and I do have a lid)...
  14. reeflearner3

    Missing fish

    Hey everybody. I have a 400 gallon reef tank and I just got three new fish for the tank and two of them have gone missing in less than 2 weeks. I got a solar fairy wrasse, hippo tang, and fire blenny (as well as a cowrie snail). The hippo tang and fire blenny are both missing and the cowrie...