
  1. F

    Lost anenome

    Hi, so I have a 20 gallon saltwater tank that has no fish in right now but some corals and bottom feeders. I have a condy anenome in the tank that started to look like he wasn’t doing too well. My water parameters were not so good at the time so I did a few water changes over some time and got...
  2. Manny’s Reef

    It’s Alive!!!

    Bought this wrasse from Dr Reef. It immediately went into hiding and was unseen for about 20 days. I figured it was lost for sure. Man o man was I surprised to see eyes moving on what I initially thought was a trochus snail. Enjoy the short clip.
  3. B

    Possible leak

    Here's a long one. Please any info helps I'll attach pictures of my setup So I might have a leak. Last night about 4 cups of water went missing in about 4 hours. Before this happened, my last recorded salinity was 1.025. And My tank has glass lids that cover the entire top AND a canopy so...
  4. erchins8

    Missing Bicolor Blenny

    Can't find my blenny in my 20g, i remember seeing him a little under a week ago and i haven't seen him since. I have a Possum Wrasse, Pearly Jawfish, and an Ocellaris Clown pair. Anything I can do to coax him out or any idea when i'd see them?
  5. WheatToast

    Does Anyone Have Information On The "Ultimate Sump"?

    Does Anyone Have Information On The "Ultimate Sump"? I remember looking through Google images of sumps back around 2018 when I came across this particular build: The image is very similar to those on the Lifereef site, though this sump was definitely not produced by said company. I believe it...
  6. Gonj

    Clown missing tail?

    Hey! So I’ve been on quite a journey with my mocha clown I have him in qt with my frostbite snowflake, the mocha showed signs of Brook gave him a bath in rrr and treated tank with metroplex, once again after a couple weeks showed signs of Brook and had this worm like string coming out of him...
  7. Perpetual Novice

    Missing Blue Hippo Tang

    I have had a tiny hippo tang just under 2 inches for about 7 months now. She got ich and pulled through in the first couple weeks and has been clean since. Occasionally I've seen her pick up some cuts and scratches that heal and I thought nothing of it. Recently she had several of them and her...
  8. smartwater101

    Vortech MP40 connection issues. Constantly goes missing!

    I have cleared the MP40s memeory a few times which has not helped. Issues: will (daily) show up as missing. Sometimes it will show as missing even if the powerhead is still running. It also shows up missing after an apex restart. Turning ON/AUTO/OFF will usually not work. I often have to...
  9. Chase89

    Missing anenome

    Here goes my milk carton ad. I got my first bubble tip anenome two days ago. The first night he crawled under a rock and looked stuck (two or three tentacles could been seen through a tiny opening in the rock). So I carefully dismantled my rockscape moved him to a higher spot with better...
Biota Marine Life