midas blenny

  1. GoodKat

    The mysterious Midas Blenny sudden death syndrome

    Hi Everyone, I lost one of my favorite fish today, my midas blenny. He went from active, healthy and eating, to breathing heavy and dying on the sand bend in less than 24 hours. Unfortunately, it seems like others have had similar experiences. It also seems like when these fish go downhill...
  2. proud-Noob-aquarist

    Build Thread Saltwater journey

  3. theasherrr

    Midas blenny weird skin discolor

    Unsure what to call this or how to describe it other than it looks like the skin is shedding. Literally no other weird behavior and is eating well. It’s had it for a few months now and nothing has happened. It doesn’t change at all, stays looking like the photos. thoughts?
  4. J

    Is this black ich? Sorry for the bad pics

    I was wondering if this stuff on my Midas blenny was black ich, and if so how would I go about treating it? I do not have a qt tank, and if it is black ich I’d assume it’s probably spread.
  5. alishasreef

    Midas Blenny and Goby comparability? 31G

    I’ve read in the past that blenny and goby shouldn’t be together, however recently I have read that as they occupy different space they get along fine? Any experiences/suggestions? I have plenty of live rock, caves, holes, ledges and areas that break apart the whole tank. If this could work...
  6. gatorcream

    Would a Midas blenny get along with a tailspot in a 40gal?

    I have a tailspot blenny in a 40 gal, I have a starry blenny in there that’s bullying him to no end and I’m removing him asap. Im absolutely in love with blennies and I’m very sad I’m having to rehome my starry blenny but I’m not going to tolerate fish bullies. Do you guys think he could be...
  7. vaguelyreeflike

    Blenny Lovers Thread

    Tons of other “Species Dedicated” threads, lets start one for our beloved Blennies! Ask questions, post pics/videos, how to breed and courtship, anything Blenny! Here’s our suspected male Salarias Fasciatus
  8. ajtomase

    Blenny aggression

    Yesterday, I got a QT'd midas blenny that I had in an acclimation box overnight and none of my fish paid attention to it. This morning, I released it into the tank before the lights went off and my starry blenny is going after it. The starry blenny is significantly larger than the midas blenny...
  9. dbati

    Midas Blenny Loss

    yesterday I bought a Midas Blenny from my LFS. He was active and eating in the store. I brought him home acclimated him like I would all my other fish. I currently have a black clownfish and a sand sifting goby. All day yesterday the Blenny was active exploring all the different nooks and...
  10. R

    Build Thread Red Sea e260 Build Thread

    This tank has been up and running for a bit but I thought I'd start a build thread for it. Monday 17/01/2022 I bought a second hand Red Sea E260 from my LFS that came with all equipment including the sump upgrade for $5000 AUD. about $3700 USD Tank 2 x stock Ai Hydra 26s 2 x return pumps 1 x...
  11. Kenkee

    EMERGENCY White sharp growths on Midas Blenny

    Over the last few days, I've noticed these strange growths on the side of my Midas Blenny, they seem like sharp hair-like crystals. No other fish show any signs of similar growths. Her movements around the tank and eating habits don't seem to be affected in any way as of yet and was hoping...
  12. N

    Emergency: Midas Blenny refusing to eat

    The past few days I have been noticing my Midas Blenny swimming around the tank less than normal. I started to notice that he was getting very thin and losing color. He had been eating fine in the weeks prior, but suddenly, he’s refusing to accept any food. I have tried pellets, mysis, and...
  13. maleks.reef

    Midas blenny vs canary blenny

    Can someone please tell me the difference between the midas and canary blenny? Also, which one is more active and is always out? And which one is the most peaceful (with inverts as well)? I've also read somewhere that the midas blenny's bite is venomous, is this true?
  14. K

    Midas blenny scratching, flukes?

    Hi all, Since yesterday my Midas blenny has been acting strange, it's scratching its body along the rockwork (see video) and sometimes biting its tail. All other fish are acting normal. All fish are eating normally. No signs of white spots whatsoever. The blenny has been in my tank for about 3...
  15. Gonj

    Blenny with Bloated Stomach

    So I noticed my blenny occasionally has a very bloated stomach, I'm not sure if it is related to this bubble he has on his fin, the bubble has gotten smaller so I took him out of QT but now seeing this inflamed stomach I'm not sure what I should do. It doesn't look like this all the time, but it...
  16. Gonj

    What’s on my Blenny??

    Had this Blenny for about a week now and I check on him daily, today I noticed this large ball on its fin. Any ideas what this could be, should I isolate it is it contagious, treatment ideas? Anything helps photos below thank you!
  17. Gonj

    QT Orchid Dotty back and Midas Blenny

    Just picked up a dottyback and blenny from lfs, I wanna quarantine before putting them in my dt. What medication is safe for them, I will be quarantining in the same tank. meds on hand : Cupramine Ruby reef rally Paraguard Metroplex any advice on how to quarantine these guys would help thanks!
  18. jackalexander

    Fish Compatibility

    I want to know if these fish/inverts will all work out together in a 32 Gallon: 2 WW clownfish 1 YWG 1 Small Longnose Hawkfish 1 Midas blenny 1 Male Melanurus Wrasse 1 Large Cleaner Shrimp Basic CUC Mainly LPS coral/ some SPS
  19. carterpaules

    Build Thread Lagoon 25

    HI all I got a Lagoon 25 heres my build list cuz i got it copied Aquarium NUVO Fusion Lagoon 25 Pro - AIO 25 Gallon Aquarium Bundle - Innovative Marine Stand Eclife bathroom vanity ATO 5 Gallon Plastic Hedpack with ATO Smart ATO Micro Kit w/Pump - Automatic Top Off System - AutoAqua HOB Overlow...
  20. hds4216

    What is everyone's favorite blenny?

    Looking for recommendations on a blenny - I want a lively, active fish w/ some personality, that doesn't grow too big. I've been thinking of a lawnmower blenny, midas blenny, or starry blenny. The tailspot blenny seems perfect but I can't find it anywhere. It's sold out on every store online and...
  21. J

    Build Thread My 32.5 Fluval Flex Marine (BUILD THREAD)

    Hi, I'm new to the saltwater hobby, I thought I would post my tank and the upgrades I've done to it. Livestock: 2 clown fish 1 purple firefish 1 Midas Blenny 1 Cleaner shrimp 2 Hammer corals 1 pink goniopora 1 flame BTA 1 Torch 2 GSP's Equipment; - I'm running the stock light (Corals are...
  22. Midas Blenny

    Midas Blenny

    Midas Blenny on his throne.
  23. Architeuthis

    Midas Blenny eating LPS

    Has anyone else experienced this? Midas blenny has been in the tank for probably 4-5 months and this is the first time I've witnessed this behavior.
  24. Idoc

    Midas Blenny DOA - Live Aquaria

    Sadly, my first online order resulted in the Midas Blenny arriving DOA. Also received a Diamond Goby who is stressed, but so far still alive. Acclimated him to temp and salinity (1.018 from Liveaquaria)...he's in the QT resting but still breathing a little heavy... watching him closely...
  25. ThunderGoose

    Midas blenny compatibility

    I have a RSR 250 (55 gallons ID) and I'm looking at options for new fish. Would a Midas blenny work with yellow assessor, yellow watchman goby and neon blue goby? I've read that they're peaceful but may bother gobies. I also worry about my other yellow fish looking too much like a conspecific...