
  1. B

    Microscopic Parasite ID Help

    Can someone please help me ID the protist in these images. These were taken with a 10x objective and 25x eyepiece from a mucus scraping of a deceased clownfish that had no visible spots but had large mucus overproduction that resembled a brooklynella infection. However I have had an Angel, two...
  2. S

    Dinos ?

    I have just purchased a microscope after believing that my diatom outbreak looked slightly different than usual with bubbles in them. the photos are below and some microscopic photos what do we think ?
  3. Reef and Dive

    Redfield Ratio Revisited – What are we doing wrong?

    Paulo Mallard Scaldaferri, João Carlos Basso, Marcos Augusto Bizeto, Miguel Mies, Roberto Denadai, Junio Melo Introduction Possible applications of the Redfield ratio in the management of the marine aquarium have been discussed over the year. Many have considered that knowledge very helpful...