Hey guys, just got a microscope to ID what's been covering my sand. It's a clumpy rust coloured coating on just the sandbed (not rocks or glass), it seems to be photosynthetic, but it doesn't disapate at night. When you stir it up it kind of strings the sand grains together, but the sand...
Hey guys,
New to the forum and to salt water aquariums. I have a ~6 month old tank and I keep battling algae that does not seem to want to go away no matter what I do.
It looks like GHA, but I'm now wondering if it could be something else.
My nitrate is 10ppm and my phosphate is 0.05ppm, so I...
My Fire Shrimp had a normal molt and for fun I looked at the old exoskeleton under my microscope. Is there a way to find out what sort of things live on a shrimp normally? Or if some of these little guys just live in the saltwater in general? Interested if anyone has good resources or knowledge...