mexican turbo snail

  1. E

    Build Thread This is 4-month-old RS 200XL Reefer

    Hello, Reefers! I was asked to introduce my tank by the admins so here goes... (thanks for the add, looking forward to reading you and learning more, I've been learning a lot from you in silence till now). Red Sea Reefer XL 200, 4 months old, my first reef tank (had a salt water aquarium in...
  2. Gonj

    Mystery snails taking over sump??

    I noticed these small snails all over my sump, filter socks, etc. I haven’t seen any in the display as of yet. I do have 2 turbo snails in my sump so I’m not sure if it’s possible they laid some eggs that hatched ? I doubt it as they seem to be really flat. I attached some pictures of one of the...
  3. K

    Do large tubo snail shells have similar effects of liverock?

    I just got a giant Mexican turbo snail that had a huge shell containing coraline algae, several creature's attached to the snail's that look like some type of anemone. The snail also has these extra tentacles on the mid-section of its foot that are what seems to by a parasite with a fish like...
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