
  1. Muffin87

    Dimetridazole and 2-Amino-5-nitrothiazole as alternatives to Metronidazole

    Hi, @Jay Hemdal, @Lasse, @Humblefish. I've noticed you mentioned Dimetridazole on the forums here and there. I'm trying to set up a fish quarantine here in Italy, where all fish medications need to be bought from other EU states. Do you have any idea if these two ingredients are any good for...
  2. D

    Treating Possible internal parasites in firefish and blenny with pistol shrimp in tank

    Hi everyone. I have a new tank that’s running for 2 or so months. Everyone seems happy but I noticed some poop getting stuck on my tailspot blenny and helfrichi firefish. I also noticed they would flash against the sand somewhat infrequently. I have gathered some things to treat (metroplex...
  3. jackalexander

    Help with quarantine

    I just treated with focus + kanaplex + metroplex for 14 days then 14 days of copper and now 14 days of observation. During this period, I have been doing frequent water changes bringing copper down to 0.33ppm. I am preparing for 2 melanurus wrasses and I’m wondering how I can get copper to a...
  4. jackalexander

    YWG Quarantine

    So i’ve been treating my yellow watchman for a bacterial infection with metroplex for about 3 weeks now and his behavior seems to have improved along with his overall health. I’ve noticed that his actual wound hasn’t healed significantly and metroplex states that it can only be dosed up to 3...
  5. polyppal

    My EZ Medicated Frozen Fish Food Recipe

    Wanted to share my simple recipe for medicated frozen food with the community. I feed this to all of my fish through QT, and my DT on occasion, and have been very successful in treating bacterial/fungal/internal parasites/worms with it. Its nothing particularly unique or special, but I have...
  6. Fer21

    Need help with treatment for wrasse

    Hello, I have a Red Fin Fairy Wrasse wich was doing very well until this past Monday when I found it laying in the sand with some type of mocus, it was very lethargic and he was not eating. I observe and research what could this be and at night I catch it and gave it a bath in Rally. During...
  7. Sakosreef

    Transitioning into Ich prevention from ich management

    Hello everyone, I really need your help. I started a 55 gallon reef 2 years ago, never quarantined anything and practiced ich management and a lot of "dump any pray", fast forwarding a year and a half i upgraded to a 75 gallon reef, couple months later I got a 180 which is my current tank. Im...