
  1. C

    Got my ATI results back and need help with a game plan.

    I just got my results back. I took my sample the same week that I started a chaeto reactor so know my nitrates and phosphates will come down, but am concerned that my nitrates are 135x my phosphates instead of about 10x like I see being ideal. I’m thinking of starting to dose NoPox but am unsure...
  2. bychance

    Young tank riddled with Metal.

    I have a 5 month old 70 gallon lagoon tank. It seems to be doing ok, but not great. I have no signs of coralline algae, some corals are thriving and looking great, while other's of the same type are suffering and dyeing. The coral that is looking great isn't showing signs of growth. I know it's...
  3. MnFish1

    Another ICP testing Poll

    Another great poll posted by @mdbannister ( - prompted me to do this one - concerning results from your ICP tests - if you've done one - and the actions you took based on those results. Thanks for answering: Note -...
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