mesh top

  1. jackalexander

    Biocube LED’s vs AI Prime 16HD

    I’ve seen substantial growth of my birds nest but absolutely nothing else. I don’t know if it’s normal but I’ve had 2 hammers, a frogspawn and a torch for about 4-5 months now and I do see new baby tentacles weekly but never any heads splitting. Does anyone else have this issue with Biocube...
  2. Aaron Gustafson

    Has anyone made a mesh top for a BioCube HQI?

    I’ve cut & customized a lot on my BioCube 29 HQI over the years, but I’d really like to ditch the plate glass top and put in a mesh screen. Given the fact that only two of the corners are square, it’s probably going to have to be a custom top, but if someone has already gone through the process...
  3. shiftline

    DIY Screen top for rimless tanks

    After having a few fish jump over the past few months i re-did my screen top to be sleeker and less of an eye soar
Aqua SD