member aquariums

  1. Keko21

    Keith's Reef

    My first ever saltwater tank is now set up! I'm on Day 2 and the sand has finally settled and I'm loving what I'm seeing so far! Day 2 Test parameters: Specific Gravity: 1.021- added a bit of salt to get up to my goal of 1.025. Nitrites: 0 Ammonia: 2.0ppm - added at same time as bacteria...
  2. Rovert

    Build Thread Rovert's CADE1800S2

    At the urging of our site host, I've been asked to make a 'member build' thread. Some very cool work here from extraordinary talents, so mine is modest at best, but perhaps it will provide inspiration to others. 5/31/22: I purchased the CADE1800 from AlgaeBarn and to my surprise upon arrival...
  3. Bouncingsoul39

    Build Thread My IM Nuvo 30L Mixed Reef

    This tank has been up and running since the beginning of June. Started with 20lbs of KP Aquatics “starter” live rock and 20lbs of Caribsea Fiji Pink live sand. Equipment: IM Nuvo 30L AIO Rimless low-iron aquarium IM APS aluminum white stand Current USA Orbit R24 LED Reef Lights x2 Tunze...
  4. Mordie101

    Build Thread Red Sea reefer 250 predator build

    Hello! Welcome to the build thread. In the past I have made build threads but had to tear the tank down due to relocation for my job. I am now able to start my journey into the marine predator tank world. In this thread there will be lots of pictures and explanations when the tank gets up and...
  5. Alphadave248

    Build Thread Just in- 18 frags from WWC

    Here is the haul from last weekends huge WWC sale. I was able to buy 18 and they came in today! I will continue to update with growth and progress.
  6. Dryanimtt

    Cube Build Dave's 93g cube

    Recently acquired a 93g cube 30x30x24. I think it was a custom built tank as I haven't seen any others like it. Bought the whole setup from someone and plan to use as much as that equipment as I can. Fairly new to the saltwater scene. I have a 13.5g fluval evo going, but I've never had anything...
  7. El_Guapo13

    Build Thread 29 gallon upgrade...sorta

    So this past Friday (January 31st), I came home from work to find some water on the floor around my 16 gallon Biocube. I looked, and sure enough there was a leak. The next day, I bought some aquarium silicone sealant and bought a 29 gallon tank from Petco along with a cheap 30 gallon HOB filter...
  8. anon9896

    Build Thread My Thread 47 Gallon tall cube

    Hello people! I will set the profile of my aquarium here I want to warn you that I am going to work on it and try to make it pleasant to look at but also to explore hazards that I would like to add to it and it will mostly serve to myself. First thing First. Here is a Photo of my aquarium 47...
  9. wesamazmy

    Build Thread Rebuild oldest tanks I ever kept 6 years ago

    Now, I set up one of the oldest tanks I ever kept, this tank was working before 6 years ago it's back to the service now in my fish room as a first tank up and running :)
  10. jk_s124

    Nano Build Biocube 29 build

    I’m October of 2017 my wife and I bought a coralife biocube 29 from a coworker who has been in the hobby for over 10 years. He actually bought the set up for himself while he was trying to convince me to buy it for my kids. My son is allergic to cats and dogs, but loves animals. So my co...