melting zoa

  1. NL.Reefer

    ATI ICP test results back suggestions. (Zoas melting)

    Hello everyone last week i send a icp test to ati becouse over the last few weeks my zoas where melting and i wanted to see where my iodione was. here are the results. 2 weeks ago i took 4 kolonies from the reef and dip them but...
  2. Reaper_Six_Four

    EMERGENCY Melting Zoas?

    Help. I think my Zoas are melting. I’ve been struggling with my phosphate for as long as I’ve had my Zoas (about 30 days)(ultra low was erroring out at around .9) is now at .41. They didn’t seem to have a problem when it was high and up until about 2 days ago they seemed fine. I have other...
Pacific East