
  1. Trueruby

    Rock flower nem tentacles melting!

    Hi Everyone I got 14 rfa in my 150 g tank recently two of my beauty started to loose tentacles. It is obviously rotting and falling a part. Does anyone ever had something like theese? Please see below pics and tank parameters First I tought they get too salinity 1025 Temperature 24.5C Ca 415...
  2. JennyH3

    Mushrooms dying or melting???

    My corals were doing amazing. Last month I had a phosphate issue. My parameters are now just fine. They seem to be melting - losing the middle little bubble things (dont know what they are called) The light isn't very bright - it was I just changed it lower just in case that was the issue. They...
  3. WheatToast

    When macro's glow... Questions on red macroalgae

    When green and brown macroalgae begin to die, they turn pale/darkened in coloration (I assume the Fucoxanthin in brown macroalgae/Chlorophyll in green macroalgae that colors the algae is breaking down) before melting away. However, red macroalgae goes neon-orange and fluoresces under blue light...
  4. Gonj


    This all started with my speckled krak it went from open and happy to shriveled on the brink of death in about 2 days time. All my other zoas are quickly following and idk what to do, I’ve already dipped them in coral rx and did a massive water change and it keeps spreading. The odd thing is...
  5. PBnJOnWheat

    Keeping a Sumburst Nem

    Hey guys and girls, I just purchased a sunburst of some sort. I believe it is a Colorado but either way I am not concerned with the names but rather it’s looks. I was wondering how to keep these so I don’t dump $$$$$$ down the drain. I’ve had a couple in the past but I’ve got a smaller 13.5 I’m...
  6. CRath

    zoanthids open like umbrella and melting

    Hi there, I cannot figure out what is happening to my magician zoas. They are opening in that weird umbrella way and are starting to melt. My only suspicion is the burning blossoms that are growing into them. I did have one magician dethatched from the colony, but the rest have stayed put. My...
  7. Adam1985

    New Skimmer & Macroalgae Wasting - Observations and Request for Advice

    Hi everyone! I need some advice and this is the best place in the world for high quality reef advice, so please bear with me and thanks in advance for your help! Basically I was skimmerless for a couple of weeks after removing my previous skimmer to prepare the sump for a skimmer upgrade and...
  8. E

    Red Sea no pox melting corals

    Has anyone ever had Red Sea n03 p04x melt any of their soft corals? Every time I put it in my tank no matter the dose I see them shrivel up before my eyes and then they die soon after, I am putting it in the back of my drain box to let it mix with the water and through the sump before it ends up...
  9. E

    Refugium and cheato problems

    So I have no idea why but my cheato keeps turning mushy and it falls apart, it doesn’t look green under refugium light but if I put a normal light on it you can tell it’s green still, this is my first refugium and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong over $80 worth of cheato has melted in my sump...
  10. Paul Kachirsky

    LPS Corals Keep Dying * HELP * Full Details

    Hi All. I have been having some issues with my 120 gallon reef. Current corals are Blastos, Acans, Scolys, Trachys, Lobos, Flower Rock Nem, Torches (And Hammers that died) I know that I have had some issues with nutrients (Big Spike) but it was been a ton better as you can see below. Current...
  11. Karol_PL

    ZOA hitchhiker

    Hello friends :) I have had a problem with ZOA for some time. Individual colonies began to die for no apparent reason. There was a brown coating on them, which I thought was a form of algae or fungi. It was impossible to see anything at the ZOA with the naked eye. So I decided to buy a...
  12. H

    Do I remove Skeleton Wall hammer

    So had this wall hammer just over a week. And it’s completely melted off. Stripped back to the Skelton. No idea why, because got a frogspawn at the same time and that has been thriving. my question is, do I get rid of the Skelelton or is there a change of regrowth?
  13. Diego.28

    Zoas Melting/Looking Irritated

    Hi, this is my first post on R2R. I've been using this forum as a resource, just reading threads, for almost a year now, and it's been fantastic, so when I encountered this problem I couldn't figure out how to solve, I figured I'd join. (But I'm sure I'll use this forum for a bunch else now...
  14. SBlisters

    Candy Coral: "I'm meeeellltinggg..."

    I'm too new to coral to really know what things should be doing, or what is alarming vs normal. My candy cane coral is looking very strange. There are some bare spots. Part of it looks like it's melting?!