
  1. DocRose

    Michigan SOLD Male Melanurus Wrasse (Halichoeres melanurus)

    Purchased him from LiveAquaria in September 2022. He went into QT for six weeks and made it through just fine. He's perfectly healthy, but I'm sick of him picking off my snail population. He's currently in an isolation box in my display so if you come to pick him up you can observe the others...
  2. Sparky_Kaminari

    EMERGENCY Melanurus Acting Strange

    Hello everybody! New to RTR, joined to get some help. I recently picked up a Melanurus Wrasse, and he is in QT with a container of sand. Starting yesterday, he has his mouth open a tiny bit, and he stopped eating. When I tried feeding him yesterday, he didn’t eat anything, but I watched him...
  3. Cole_Voeller

    Melanurus Wrasse Lockjaw?

    Hi all- I made a post a few days ago discussing my Melanurus wrasse, and one thing I mentioned was his mouth. Ever since getting him and introducing him into his quarantine tank, his mouth had been open. I looked all over online and apparently this is called “lock jaw”, and stems from an injury...
  4. T

    Wrasse ID please!

    Hi everyone, can someone help me please? Do you know the name of this fish? I thought it was a juvenile melanurus, but it has two spots on the tail. Thank you!!
  5. jackalexander

    Help with quarantine

    I just treated with focus + kanaplex + metroplex for 14 days then 14 days of copper and now 14 days of observation. During this period, I have been doing frequent water changes bringing copper down to 0.33ppm. I am preparing for 2 melanurus wrasses and I’m wondering how I can get copper to a...
  6. H

    Fish disease or sign of healing on Melanurus Wrasse??

    So I purchased a Melanurus Wrasse two days ago and put it into QT, I am currently treating it for internal parasites/worms due to stringy white feces and the food is mixed to @Humblefish specifications using general cure. Today as I'm observing the fish I noticed its fin was damaged as well as...
  7. Chipper1978

    Melanurus Harassing New Leopard Wrasse - Help!

    So I added my new female divided leopard wrasse to my 4 foot mixed reef tank on Saturday and my melanurus wrasse is not having it. The melanaurus has been in my tank for approximately six months, but has never harassed any new fish additions. Also, the leopard wrasse is only an inch or two big...