
  1. D

    Clownfish sudden death - suspected brooklynella or bullying?

    I noticed one of my clowns had some signs of his pelvic fin being nipped at, but I mistakenly thought this was from the female bullying him and establishing dominance.. A week or so later it looks like he’s losing coloration near his stomach, which looks like it’s turning transparent from his...
  2. A

    First clownfish...brook or bacterial?

    Hi all, this is my first post here (been waiting to make a build post). I'm looking for some help with a possible diagnosis. My first saltwater tank has been cycled for a little over a month now. Last weekend I added my first two clownfish. They are pretty small but one is bigger than the...
  3. CincyReefer07

    Prazi or Copper First for New Fish QT? Does it matter?

    I’ve read quarantine procedures, this is my first time quarantining any new fish. I have a 60 breeder with a couple powerheads, heater, and marineland hob filter for QT. Im picking up a Magnificent Foxface tomorrow and am setting my QT up tonight. My LFS recommended starting with...
  4. E

    Prazi powder

    I am from Canada and need to medicate my tank with praziquantel but only can get it in pure form anybody know what should the dosage be?
  5. jdemarco

    Massachusetts Package Deal Drygoods SOLD Additive, Aids, Fixes, Food, Dip, Meds, Supplement,

    Located in Mass, pickup only, not shipping Selling as a WHOLE LOT. Must buy the whole thing as I am not splitting up. Cheap enough to buy the lot and sell or discard or keep the rest. ******Not splitting up don't ask ****". The whole LOT Is priced at ONLY 49!!!!!!! Lots of great stuff to keep...
  6. C

    New Jersey Suppliments Miscellaneous Drygoods Additives, medications and supplements

    Api quickstart Seachem metroplex-$8 Copper power -$10 Prazipro-$8 Coral rx dip-$10 Brightwell aquatic neophos-$5 Brightwell aquatic neonitro-5 Dr Tim's ammonium chloride Aquasafe plus
  7. alexkowalik

    EMERGENCY Ich/velvet blue kole tang quarantine

    Hello, I’ve been treating my display with polyp lab medic due to a possible ich/velvet outbreak. I was told it is more than likely ich so I didn’t panic and quarantine all my fish. This morning I came in to see my kole tang sucked against the overflow and barely hanging on to life. I immediately...
  8. R

    Kanaplex usage up to 3 doses

    My seahorse is suffering from snout rot and I've been using Kanaplex to heal her. It says up to 3 doses and I hit that 3rd dose yesterday. Can I repeat a 4th, and possibly a 5th dose if need be? Do I need to change the water out if I can do the 4th dose?
  9. M

    Tomini tang in QT - prophylactic treatment?

    Hi all, I have a little 2-inch Tomini tang in QT right now, he has been there for about 2 weeks. We haven't done any medication yet because he wasn't eating at first and we didn't want to stress him further. He is eating just fine now, and has become more active (still a complete scaredy cat...
  10. A

    Fenbendazole alternatives?

    Hey y’all, I’ve had a clown in qt for about a month that has gone through both column dosing and food soaking of general cure, but internal parasites still persist. It still has white string feces. I learnt that fenbendazole is an alternative to resistant parasites, however it is not available...
  11. BaileyB

    Help fighting finrot for 2 months, PLEASE!

    I have a small porcupine puffer I got a couple months back. He was in QT for over 40 days with copper safe at 1.5ppm, also treated with Maracyn 2, furan 2, and prazi pro. He was added to a cycled 145 gallon tank with new rock and sand. Had VERY SLOWLY started developing tail/fin rot. It’ll get...
  12. J

    Anyone here use oodonex

    Okay so due to Australia’s shipping laws tightening up I haven’t been able to find cupramine or really any copper medications at any of my lfs. The only thing I’ve been able to get my hands on is oodonex by aqua sonic. Has anyone had any experience with this? is it worth getting or should I try...
  13. polyppal

    My EZ Medicated Frozen Fish Food Recipe

    Wanted to share my simple recipe for medicated frozen food with the community. I feed this to all of my fish through QT, and my DT on occasion, and have been very successful in treating bacterial/fungal/internal parasites/worms with it. Its nothing particularly unique or special, but I have...
  14. H

    Treating Internal Parasites of Picky Fish

    Does anyone have any tricks for treating internal parasites of picky eaters such as Potter's Angels or anything else that prefers to graze on LR rather than eat out of the water column or off nori clips? I was planning to prophylactically treat with Metroplex + Focus but my Potter's definitely...
  15. C

    EMERGENCY Dying fish, I believe he had 2 diseases brooks and velvet

    Hi, so my fish is sick, he is a clownfish. He is breathing heavily and has recently stopped eating. His color is looking much better than in the past. I have been treating with copper for a little over two weeks but he hasn’t fought it off yet since my ammonia got a little too high. It is under...
  16. Noob_Sam

    Clownfish done with QT??????????????

    Hello, I got this clownfish last Sunday. My lfs already had him in step 1 and 2 medication ( the green and blue one). Also when I got him I did a FW dip and he had no flukes. He is in copper for the last 9 days ( @2.0ppm - Copper Power). He had some white spots the second day and after that he...
  17. B

    Need help with treating my decorated rabbitfish in qt

    Back story I've been searching for this fish for months happened to walk into a lfs I've never been to before and they had it. It was in a tank with a tang and its fins were torn. Bought it anyway because I couldn't find it anywhere else. However this is how the fins healed these same things are...
  18. Tristan

    Clownfish ulcer?!

    Hey everyone. I got a juvenile frostbite clown back in June. Starting maybe 2-3 months ago, I noticed that she would occasionally rub her left side against the sand bed. I tried to look for any signs of ich or anything else, but nothing. I finally noticed today that there appears to be an ulcer...
  19. Learning_uncle

    EMERGENCY Newbie need help with Kole Tang

    Please help, Today i spotted something like wound on my yellow eye kole tang. She’s perfectly fine yesterday. Any suggestion of what happen and how to cure
  20. ericguzman49

    Seahorse Advice

    I have a pair of seahorse that have been doing really well in my tank swimming around and doing fine. They’ve been nipping at the live rock for copepods. But recently I started noticing that one of them will curl its tail up and seemingly scratch or pick at his head. I also watched him rub his...
  21. Peach02

    Aerosol Transmission Questions

    Im looking into setting up a coral quarantine and fish quarantine tank (seperate) however in research I've come across aerosol transmission and that diseases like velvet can travel about 1m (3 feet) in the air, My question is do tank lids limit / stop this and would having them at a different...
  22. MnFish1

    Anecdote vs. reality

    So I was sitting here thinking about some 'maxims' - that are promulgated here often - and wondered - whether they make sense. Note - I'm not criticizing or discounting anecdote - that said - I wonder about some common sayings in the reefing community (which are usually supported by anecdote -...
  23. 00Barracuda00

    Brooklynella Treatment

    Snagged everything from my LFS that came recommended from these forums, but each med was only an alternative to the main treatments. I know with brook it’s important to treat immediately so I’m just going with what I’ve got. I’ve got a 5 gal bucket. Just started the air stone. My intent...
  24. Old Fritz


    Hey guys, Today I was going through a petco near me for new filters and I was just walking around to see what they have. They had herbtana which I used in the past for fw ich, but I read it and it claims that it can kill velvet. To say I was skeptical would be kind of an understatement. Has...
  25. beyer

    Ideal medication for a clown quarantine?

    About a year ago I purchased a couple of clowns from vivid aquariums online. One died and the other lived for about a month before dying. I quarantined both but did not have any medication on hand when their conditions took a turn. Now, I’m thinking of finally purchasing another couple black and...
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