medicating prophylactically

  1. Gretchacha

    QT mandarin, or straight to DT?

    I’m evolving a mixed reef tank that currently has rock, sand, snails, conch, corals, coco worm, rock anemone, pom pom gracilarus macroalgae, phyto, pods, and brine shrimp. A large wild caught mandarin is on his way to me from Alyssa’s Seahorse Savvy next week slong with 2 small brittle stars and...
  2. Muffin87

    Can I treat prophylactically for brook/uronema without food-soaking, formalin, or CP?

    Humblefish's quarantine protocol and BRS video on quarantining for Brook & Uronema have rather conflicting advice about prophylactic treatments for brook/uronema. In summary: BRS video Humblefish Food-soaking with metro Second best option in quarantine No (symptomatic infections only)...
  3. Muffin87

    60 days quarantine VS 31 days quarantine

    #fishmedics, is there a strong case to follow the 60 days quarantine protocol outlined by @Jay Hemdal, instead of a shorter one like the one @Dierks follows (see below). Since I live in a small apartment, I'd have more space if I set up the QT for only 17 day periods. I do have an observation...
  4. M

    Tomini tang in QT - prophylactic treatment?

    Hi all, I have a little 2-inch Tomini tang in QT right now, he has been there for about 2 weeks. We haven't done any medication yet because he wasn't eating at first and we didn't want to stress him further. He is eating just fine now, and has become more active (still a complete scaredy cat...
  5. A

    Labout Fairy Wrasse in QT

    I have a Labout Fairy Wrasse in QT and I was hoping for some advice on prophylactic treatment. It is currently in a 10 gallon qt tank that has been running for the past 3 months so it should be well cycled. It is day 2 and it has been eating well so far. I bought GC and Copper Power but am...
  6. thereefdoctor

    Quarantining clownfish

    I've seen similar threads out there but I just wanted to be sure I'm up to date with current best practice recommendations for quarantine with an emphasis on clownfish. I'll provide some background info first. My DT is a RedSea Max Nano that has been cycling for the past 25 days, containing...
  7. A Hypocrites View on Not Using Quarantine

    Personal Experience A Hypocrites View on Not Using Quarantine

    Little in this hobby stirs up as much emotional debate as discussions on quarantining fish. Threads on prophylactic treatment, ich management, and immunity are regularly hashed out until people are burned out. Passions run high, and for good reason. Both sides of the debate feel their practices...
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