
  1. B

    Filter chamber media basket questions!

    Hey guys so I have a fluval evo 13.5 currently in cycle and very close to being done! Right now I have the stock fluval sponge filter with carbon and biomax. I recently bought the first chamber custom media basket and my question is how and when could I add this media basket and should I get rid...
  2. NanoReeferAlex

    Florida WTB 3d Printed Fluval Evo 5 media basket

    Im looking for a 3d printed media box with 3 chambers similar to the in tank media box, hopefully at a cheaper cost! Fluval Evo 5 Sea
  3. Neffly4u

    Aquatop Recife 40 AIO Filter Basket

    Hello! New to reefing and picked myself up a Aquatop Recife 40 AIO. Upon doing some research I realized people recommend ditching the included sponge filter and replacing it with Filter floss and some Matrix or Chemipure Blue. Should be easy right? just head on over to InTankAquatics and....oh...