mechanical filtration

  1. N

    New IM Nuvo 40 Build Reef Tank filter media what to use ?

    Hello Everyone , I did a thread search and couldn’t find the answer to this question specifically for the im nuvo 40 I am new to marine tanks (15 years experience in freshwater off and on) but this is my first saltwater tank. I am setting up this IM Nuvo 40 and I am wondering what I should put...
  2. T

    Question About Sump Flow and Mechanical Filtration

    Hi guys, new here to R2R. I've been in fishkeeping for a long time, but mostly freshwater. I recently converted to a saltwater setup and things are going fairly well so far. I have one minor issue that I was hoping I could ask about to see if anybody has faced the same problem: I have the...
  3. ariellemermaid

    Socks, Filter Cups, Roller Mats; need quick advice!

    I’m setting up a new RSR XXL 750 and before I fill it (hopefully very soon!) I need some advice as this will be my first sump system. This tank’s sump comes with 4x 4” filter sock holders. Filter socks are out for me; my life is way too busy to deal with cleaning them every 3-5 days and that’s...
  4. AquaPhilNJ

    Cloudy water Debris

    From a distance one would say that water is crystal clear. Close up, hmm okay has some circulating debris. From the side view, hmm something's wrong with this aquarium. I'm not even sure how long this has been an issue. Tank is 4 years old but every 2 years I had to move apartments; then I...
  5. G

    Filtration, What’s your favorite?

    There are a million different combinations for filtering a tank. What does everyone run? Refugium? If so what macro? ZeoVit? Triton? A combination?
  6. MarineDepot

    ClariSea Solves The Biggest Inconvenience Of Mechanical Filtration

    ClariSea Solves The Biggest Inconvenience Of Mechanical Filtration Our video review of the Gen2 ClariSea Automatic Fleece Filter by D-D