maxspect xf350

  1. J

    Hydros with Maxspect and Tunze

    This stuff makes my headspin. For any Hydros users out there... If I have maxspect gyres attached to the pump output port on the V2 Wave Engine and Tunze 6105's on the 0-10v outputs, can I assign them to the same flow pattern? I want 1 tunze and 1 gyre synced (master) and another set to run as...
  2. F

    Brand New Maxspect XF350 Gyre

    Have a brand new Maxspect XF350 for sale. Hasn't seen water. Was gonna run 3 but ended up just running 2. $225 shipped SOLD
  3. Rams

    New Jersey New York Dry Goods Pair of Maxspect Gyre XF350's

    One year old mint condition pair of maxspect XF350's with controller. Asking 420$ pickup at 08820.