maxiam clam

  1. Schwab94


    Ive got two little clams in my tank and over night one of the clams appears to have opened up so wide it split in two. My second clam looks just like it did yesterday but im now worried that he may be next for what effected the first. Had both clams for about 3 months now, they're my first clams...
  2. TJ Jiang

    Hermit Crab Warning!

    Just got my Maxima clam shipment this morning from Savage Reefer.BTW, Amazing vender! After Temp acclimation and toothbrush scrap, I first put in on a marine block and adjust for placement, took a beautiful pic, but you can see the siphon is open, so I was thinking the clam is still going...
Dinkins Aquatic Gardens