
  1. 1epauletteshark

    What are my bumble bee shrimp doing? What are these guys doing? I thought I had ID'd them as a male and a female so I am wondering if they are fighting, establishing territory, mating? I am really not sure but it is very interesting.
  2. harkey

    Is my clownfish pregnant or just bloated?

    Woke up this morning and I saw my female clownfish stomach is big, not quite sure if she is carrying eggs or just bloated. I feed them every two days and don’t really over feed them. Haven’t noticed them cleaning one specific area either but the male clownfish is doing the little dance around her.
  3. J

    Bigger clown attacking a smaller one

    I currently have two clownfish and I have been having them for about 2-3 weeks now. I noticed that a true percula (large) is attacking a oscellaris (small). Small one is just hiding at the corner and sometimes shakes when the large one attacks. It does not seem too aggressive usually, but...
  4. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Cerith Snail Mating?

    So, I've just come across something weird today. So at the beginning of the day I see a cerith snail riding on top of another cerith snail. Just now, I saw it again...This time on the front glass just before I went to turn my room lights off for bed. Just wondering, are they fighting? My...
  5. Cpark15

    Breeding Mandarin Dragonets

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for any advice on breeding Mandarin Dragonets. I want to get a pair and cultivate my own copepods for their food. Would love to hear tips and tricks that other people have found as well as how much they food they needed to keep their fish and fry happy! Cheers to all!
  6. tailoftwogobies

    rock anemone oozing.

    hi y’all! looked in our tank about 2 hours after a reef roids dosing & feeding and noticed 3 of the 6 rock flower anemone’s are swollen up & oozing an almost spit looking substance from their mouths.. usually the mouth area swells after reef roids or AB+ dosing but we’ve never seen this spit...
  7. J

    Are my filefish fighting or mating? [VIDEO]

    I bought a pair of "bonded" white-spotted pygmy filefish from live aquaria and they swam together for a bit when I first put them in my tank, but now it seems like they hate each other. The video is of the smaller one chasing the big one, but it happens the other way around as well and is...
  8. Fellersjohn6

    Ich Velvet or simply fighting sound?

    Hi, I have these two mai tai clownfish and what is going on is that my tank passed through a wipe out of ich/velvet (I’m not sure to be honest) and all my fish end up dying so I just left the tank empty for 7 weeks the fallow period and just two weeks ago I bought these two clownfish (they...
  9. August_S

    Tomini Tang rubbing against Naso Tang

    I have an established fish only tank. I have a relatively large Naso tang I’ve had for years and a Tomini tang that I’ve had for about 2 years. They get along just fine. Suddenly, they’re both huddled in the back of the tank, the Naso tang is vertical, and the tomini tang is facing the opposite...
  10. Mike N

    How to encourage breeding in hi fin red banded gobies (and raising fry)

    I recently introduced a bonded pair of hi-fin red banded gobies (along with a randalli pistol) to my Evo 13.5 tank. They are the sole inhabitants, with the exception of some snails. I'd like to do everything I can to encourage mating. Has anyone had success with this particular species of...

    Clownfish laying eggs (in 4K)

    Check this out! I returned home from my trip to the LFS tonight to find my now seemingly mated pair of clownfish laying their first ever fry!
Tampa Bay Saltwater Live Rock and Live Sand