So Monday I went to Petco and they were having a sale. I bought what was left which were 3 Ocellaris & 2 Maroons. Strangely, the largest Maroon was in the tank with an Ocellaris and the other ones were all alone. Once home, one Ocellaris didn’t make it so I have 2 Maroon and 2 Ocellaris. Now...
Hi everyone, this is my first post on the forum I’m really worried about my clownfish. He’s a maroon clownfish(male) and I’ve had him for about 4 months. He’s been doing fine except about a month ago he developed a couple of grey blotches on his face and now he’s losing more color as you can see...
We have 6 pairs just in from Sumatra. These will go through a 30 day conditioning process but you can pre order and reserve your pair now. All pairs look like this. These are wild caught.
Please help I try to pair my maroon clown fish but the bigger one beat up the smaller one now the smaller one won’t even eat any advise or any way to make him eat , and how do I pair up maroons
Just wanted to know if this was normal. I’ve had a bigger maroon in the tank and just put the smaller one in couple hours ago and they’re already paired? Is this correct? There was a little aggression at first but then smaller one did something like a seizure. Now best friends.
Thoughts on if...