marine puffer fish

  1. H

    Rare Puffer fish !!!!!

    How rare is this blue puffer fish?
  2. S

    Dogface pufferfish disease?

    Hey everyone, new to the site. Looking for some help if anyone knows. My dogface puffer yesterday had these really weird white markings. Today they turned flat and dark. I’ll attach two videos.
  3. R

    White at the end of my puffers fins

    i recently purchased a small porcupine puffer for my 75 gallon aquarium originally i put him in my main system since my quarantine system was taken up but then noticed little white spots and i moved him over to the quarantine system over the past couple days i noticed the top of his left fin was...
  4. D

    Hello My first marine tank 55 gallon with a puffer fish . Need help figuring out the actual diagnostic!

    My marine puffer had a sore on his mouth and his behavior wasn’t usual he would normally look at us and interact but when he had the sore he would hide behind a rock and wouldn’t come out at all not even to eat. However I did take a visit to a fish store and got him the antibiotic metroplex. The...
Geo's Reef