marine ich

  1. E

    Blue Tang with Marine Ich... I think?

    I've come to learn that my Blue Tang is sick. Being new to the hobby I have done as much research as I can reviewing Humblefish's work, but I'd like some advice to confirm my findings... and to also give guidance on how to best handle possible Marine Ich in a new tank (2 months old). Symptoms...
  2. A

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Disease Help

    I've just noticed these white specs on my Clown (pictured below). She is acting perfectly normal from what I can tell--eating normally and swimming around fine. From some precursory research I think that this may be either Marine ICH, Brooklynella, or Velvet. Any help diagnosing as well as...
  3. ConorE

    Help! Marine Ich

    Hi Guys, I recently purchased a new tank, and with it came a Koran Angel, a Flame Angel and a Coral Beauty. The fish looked otherwise healthy, and I didn't run a QT tank at the time so they were introduced into my old setup, while I get my upgrade all set up and cycled. After a week or so, my...
  4. Marine_Addict

    [help] Please identify this pest of fish

    First of all, greetings to everyone jumped into this thread, this is my first thread in R2R though i've never expected my first post would be a pest-id topic... I got a tank of Chaetodontoplus, four of them (singapore angel, scribbled angel, blue line and a conspicuous ) in a 4inch tank About...
  5. MarineDepot

    How to Get Rid of Ich: Separating Fact From Fiction

    How to Get Rid of Ich: Separating Fact From Fiction PLUS: Aquashella Dallas, Reef-A-Palooza Orlando, & TNCTFS Spring Vendor Show!
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