marine flatworms

  1. Zoa_Fanatic


    So I just got some frags today from a seller who has flatworms. Excellent guy, he dipped the frags for me and did a flatworm XIT dip along with his regular coral dip while we talked. I further inspected the frags before adding them to the tank and couldn’t see anything on them (they’re small zoa...
  2. Flatworms: The Good, the Bad, and the Pretty Terrifying--Part 2 and Conclusion

    Intermediate Topic Flatworms: The Good, the Bad, and the Pretty Terrifying--Part 2 and Conclusion

    A "red planaria" flatworm problem in a saltwater aquarium. Photo has been enlarged with a macro lens. Photo is from the Reef2Reef archives. Welcome to the second part and conclusion of the flatworm article. For Part 1, just go here, but I warn you, it’s a long one. As I mentioned last time...
  3. Flatworms: The Good, the Bad, and the Pretty Terrifying, Part 1

    Intermediate Topic Flatworms: The Good, the Bad, and the Pretty Terrifying, Part 1

    A marine flatworm magnified 60X. Photo is from the Reef2Reef archives. Flatworms are a perennial topic in our forums because some marine aquarists have problems with them. I wanted to devote an article (or two) to aquarium flatworms and how we (try to) deal with them. If you need some help...
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