marine fish medicine

  1. B

    Where to buy ciprofloxacin in the uk?

    Hey guys, does anyone know where to buy ciprofloxacin in the uk? Looking for 250mg tablets or 500mg if poss. I can’t seem to find it anywhere? Nowhere online, all seems to be in america with ridiculous shipping prices. Many thanks
  2. P

    Ich and fin rot

    I’m currently using API Super Cure Ick at half the recommended dose (I have 3 Mystery snails), and noticed my black molly (i also have 4 tetras, and 3 danio in 30 gal) is also showing signs of a possible secondary infection with fin rot. I only noticed these symptoms on my molly, most likely...
  3. B

    Advice needed on new fish

    Somewhat of a rescue attempt i guess.. Yesterday I walked into a fish store semi local to me. In one of the tanks they had a blue headed wrasse a fish thats been on my list for a while. The wrasse was in a smallish tank with 2 Bluejaw triggers and a yellow tang. The wrasse looks extremely beat...
  4. Noob_Sam

    Buying New fish. Trying to prevent another velvet outbreak.

    Hello, So 4 months ago I had a bad marine velvet outbreak which I lost 70% of my fish. The remaining that survived I treated them witch copper for 30 days and left my DT fishless for 80 days. So now I am buying new fish every two weeks. I already bought a coral beauty, pair of clowns and some...
  5. Kryssie

    Stringy skin on Bristletooth Tang

    I dun goofed. I introduced a clownfish to my display without QTing recently. I knew better and I did it anyway. Shame on me. (I also posted this in the wrong forum earlier.) Anyway, now Bentley (Bristletooth) and Jubilee (Yellow) have some kind of skin condition. I’m scared it’s brook, but I...
  6. Keeping Your Marine Fish Healthy, Part 3: The Reef Aquarium Medicine Cabinet Continued

    Intermediate Topic Keeping Your Marine Fish Healthy, Part 3: The Reef Aquarium Medicine Cabinet Continued

    A sick Yellow Tang. Photo from the Reef2Reef archives. As I mentioned in Part 1 and Part 2, we have in our forum, an excellent area for the discussion of fish disease, treatment, and diagnosis. Our venerable Humblefish even created a “sticky” thread (one that stays permanently on top) called...