
  1. nford1987

    Margarita Snail Flaking/Turning White

    I'm assuming that this is a bad sign. I've had a margarita snail for about a month, and I noticed that in the past few days it appears the coralline growth and patterning of its shell is flaking away to reveal a pearlescent white shell. I've only used pre-made Saltwater and distilled water...
  2. K

    Hello Don’t know what is on my Margarita snail

    Hey! Little new here! I have a Margarita snail with a white thing growing on them(can see in picture). I tried to do some research to figure out what it is but I’m not sure. Was curious if anyone else has scene this and knows what it is. If so please share the any info you have! Thank you!
  3. K

    Baby Snail

    Just recently saw a new baby snail in my tank! Can anyone identify it?The only inverts that I have in my tank that I know of are... margarita snails, narssisus snails, stomatella snails, and conchs.