mandarin goby

  1. Grizzly_Jordy

    Can I add a mandarin goby and 2 spot goby to tank

    I'm planning on culturing both phyto and copepods to dose into my 20 gallon cube tank and i was wondering if i could get both a mandarin goby and a 2 spot goby to it. I already have a clownfish, tailspot blenny, yellow clown goby, and banggai cardinal. None of these fish usually hang around the...
  2. 1epauletteshark

    The dragonet debate

    I don't want to start a dragonet war or anything but which dragonet is your personal favorite based on your opinions experience and difficulty. If you chose other please reply to this thread and explain which and/or why. Also if you have some photos and experience to share of your own that would...
  3. elm03

    Baby Blue Mandarin Disappeared

    I got this little fella (blue mandarin) the other day at PetCo. There was two but sadly the other one had passed away :// I ended up getting just him. He has been doing fine in the tank, got him copepods to eat and he was eating. This was 5 days ago that I’ve had him. I haven’t seen him since...
  4. JonnyTorch

    AlgaeBarn is nice but...

    I've ordered from Algaebarn and I've ordered from PodYourReef and from a few others. I'd have to say that AlgaeBarn's customer service is nice and honestly the people over there try hard, at least their customer service team does. They answer emails swiftly and friendly and I'm sure they are...
  5. M

    Male or Female Spotted Mandarin Goby?

    Hello, I recently got this spotted mandarin, and I thought it is a female because of its small dorsal fin. However, a couple of days ago I noticed that the dorsal fin has a small spine. I took this picture, it is not a good one but it shows the dorsal fin. So, can anyone tell me is it a male...
  6. Janesreef

    Redoing aquascape after big move

    **ATTACHED PICS** I have a 75gal reef tank with live rock, 3 fish (coral beauty, clown, mandarin goby), 5 coral (three of which are attached to rock) and a clam that is also attached to rock. I did a big move into a new home and because of the pandemic I wasn’t able to hire movers for my tank...
  7. M

    Mandarin goby pairing

    I bought a tank raised female mandarin a month ago and she was eating frozen cyclops and small pellets. So then I felt like I really wanted a pair but it was cheaper for me to buy a wild caught one then captive bred so I bought a male caught and since I don’t have copepods in my tank to my...
  8. Peach02

    What happened to his fin?

    Mandarin fish that I have had for about 3 months has lost part of its left front pectoral fin. his swimming ability does not seem to be impaired at all. Photos below, does anyone know what caused it and how to treat other fish are 1x coral beauty 1x bicolour blend 2x occelaras clown (small)...
  9. Peach02

    Mandarin fish help

    so yesterday I got a mandarin fish about 1.5 inches and chubby My question is how do I tell if he is eating and if he isn’t how can I encourage him to When I put him in yesterday he swam and sat on my clam then perched on a rock, moved into a cave and has barely come out since, he is breathing...
  10. Evan28395950

    Mandarin Dragonet Fin Problem

    Hello all, got a mandarin dragonet a few weeks ago, just noticed a piece of his fin is gone. All my other fish are friendly for the most part: two clownfish, blenny, Valentini Puffer. He has plently of copepods to eat. Below is some pictures of the remains of the fin and my water quality tests.
  11. pokegirl1332

    Mandarin Goby Pros and Cons. eating?

    so currently have a 130 gallon water box an 30 gallon water box with my husband. in the 30 we keep our frags and pair of clowns, and in the 130 we have a purple tang, 2 davinci clowns, a melanarus wrasse (pardon my spelling), a coral beauty angel, and a flame angel. would like to get a goby and...
  12. Struggler

    Female or Male Mandarin first?

    Hello, I plan on ordering some captive bred blue mandarins, but I only want to add one at a time so the pod population won't be wiped out, but I ultimately want a pair. Would it be better for me to get a male first or a female first? Does it matter? Thanks!
  13. Cole's Coral Shack

    Looking For Mandarin Advice

    I am considering getting a mandarin but I have some questions. I've had a mandarin in the past that lived for a good amount of time, but now I have a different tank and am wondering what people think for this scenario. My current tank is a Nuvo Fusion 10 with about 8+ lbs of live live rock. It...
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