
  1. TbSaysNo

    Would my reef tank sustain a mandarin dragonet?

    Hello Reef2reef, I have always wanted a mandarin dragonet, but I have yet to buy one because my tank might not have a stable enough copepods population. My DT is 80 gallons, while my sump is 11 gallons. At night, numerous amphipods crawl on the sandbed and rocks. Homeowners of the tank is as...
  2. Pyrat80

    Florida Live Goods NEED TO REHOME nearly naked clown, common clown, and Green Spotted Mandarin. Florida Pick Up only

    I am leaving the Hobby and need to rehome my 2 clowns and Green Spotted Mandarin. The. Mandarin eats frozen foods. I would like to move all three at once Pick up only. Located in Celebration FL.
  3. owsley

    Not your normal mandarin question.

    Looking for some help.. So I had what I thought was a pair of biota mandarin goby’s. Well turns out as they matured I have two males… I know the simple answer is to just separate them and take one out but my problem is we a 93 gallon and have built an extensive BRS hsna aquascape. So other...
  4. Gretchacha

    QT mandarin, or straight to DT?

    I’m evolving a mixed reef tank that currently has rock, sand, snails, conch, corals, coco worm, rock anemone, pom pom gracilarus macroalgae, phyto, pods, and brine shrimp. A large wild caught mandarin is on his way to me from Alyssa’s Seahorse Savvy next week slong with 2 small brittle stars and...
  5. Cayreefer

    Is my tank capable of growing copepods?

    Good day all! Been reading forums and had just bought a ruby dragonet. He was eating frozen at the store but seems to not eat frozen in my tank. My current tank is 90 gallon aqueon reef ready(the one with the overflow) with plenty of live rock. Sump is a 40 gallon modified aquarium which uses...
  6. 1epauletteshark

    Mandarin? Or something else?

    I was at a local aquarium fish market a while ago and saw a super interesting type of "dragonet" as the person in the shop said, although they call anything they don't know what is a dragonet. It looked almost like a puffer fish mixed with a mandarin? It had the size and complexity of a mandarin...
  7. elm03

    Baby Blue Mandarin Disappeared

    I got this little fella (blue mandarin) the other day at PetCo. There was two but sadly the other one had passed away :// I ended up getting just him. He has been doing fine in the tank, got him copepods to eat and he was eating. This was 5 days ago that I’ve had him. I haven’t seen him since...
  8. Cole_Voeller

    Mandarin Dragonet Bloated

    Hello all! So I have a pair of mandarin dragonets, and I’ve had them for about half a year. I wanted them to get a big larger before introducing them into one of my other tanks (wow do they grow slow), so I currently have them in a 10 gallon quarantine/temporary tank. I say “Temporary” as if...
  9. F


    Has anyone ever cultured pods to keep a mandarin in a small tank? I’m wondering how hard it is.
  10. M

    Feeding a Mandarin in a nano reef.

    I have a 16-gallon cycling. I am already dosing phytoplankton and when the cycle nears completion will begin dosing tisbe, tigriopus, apocyclops, and oithona. I am well aware that even if my tank is well established a mandarin would completely wipe them out very fast. If I dose pods and phyto...
  11. Salty_Taste

    Hello Gen Z Reefer!

    Hey Everyone! New to the page, looking to bring over my tank build to this forum as well :)! Here are some highlights of my livestock: - Wild blue/green Mandarin Dragonet Pair - Orange Molly - Biota Neon Goby
  12. ariellemermaid

    Need Help Feeding Mandarin!

    I ordered some fish about 2 weeks ago and the site I ordered from had a great deal on mandarins (we’ve wanted one for a long time now). I’m assuming it’s wild caught (yes, first mistake we know). We ordered some copepods at the same time to beef up the tank’s supply. We knew we’d have to train...
  13. H

    Tanaka Pygmy Wrasse + 2 Mandarin Dragonet!

    Who has experience and would be open to share about a tank rehoming multiple dragonets and a possum wrasse! Or multiple species competing for same food source (pods)? Context: Innovative Marine Peninsula 14 Gal I brought home 2 wild mandarins! Was able to get them to eat live + frozen brine...
  14. ManaReef

    Cube Build My first ever SW tank

    Hello all! Thank you for checking out my salt water journey! I have a lot to learn am excited to see what happens! I will be listing details in this thread of major events of the tank (dates of set up, new additions, w pictures!) Note that all equipment was cleaned prior to any use. Please also...
  15. F

    How long to breed copepods in 125G display tank for a mandarin?

    So I put over 65,000 copepods of varying species in my 125G tank in March, and they're literally everywhere. All over the glass, the filter, the refugium, the skimmer, and I have to assume the rocks and the sediment. I can see them moving. So do you guys think this had been enough of a breeding...
  16. J

    Could I feasibly keep a (captive bred) mandarin dragonet in a biocube 32

    I’ve seen things about them being able to destroy a pod population in a few days, but is this really true? I have an inTank Refugium comming in a few days so I’ll have a little fuge to support a pod population, but would also be willing to dose pods on a somewhat regular basis (bi weekly?) and...
  17. J

    Bioata Mandarin

    Hello everyone! I have a relatively new system that is 2 months old. A bioata mandarin is in my future fish list and I’m wondering if I need live copepods? Or can I just feed it frozen food and pellets since it’s captive bred?
  18. F

    Virginia WTB Seeking trained mandarin goby/dragonet

    I'm looking for a mandarin goby that is trained on eating things other than copepods. Ideally one that is eating frozen foods like mysis, pellets, and/or flakes. Can be a blue or green mandarin, but blue is preferred. Price is negotiable within reason. Must be able to be shipped to Fairfax...
  19. M

    How big do green mandarin dragonets get in captivity?

    Hello all, I recently purchased a captive-bred mandarin, and was wondering how big they will grow. Anyone here have experience with growing CB mandarins out? I've seen huge ones at LFS before. Does sex affect size? (i.e males are biggger than females?)
  20. adittam

    Build Thread 80 gallon shallow lagoon mixed reef - upgrade time!

    So anyone who's seen my first build thread or read any of my several posts about planning this upgrade may already know this, but while this is my second reef tank, it's my first one with a sump, so the learning curve has been steep this time around as well. I've been planning this upgrade...
  21. Elbereth

    Looking for Mandarin articles by Terry D. Bartelme

    I've seen a series of articles on Synchiropus Splendidus by Terry D. Bartelme mentioned on forums but the links no longer work. Wondering if anyone here might happen to have copies they could share? Thanks in advance!
  22. Ernst Haeckel

    Copepod breeding help

    I have a spotted mandarin who has been happily eating frozen food for a while now, but I've always wanted her to have live food as well. I have a 32 gallon tank, which cannot sustain a pod population, so I starting trying to raise tigger pods. It has been tough, I did everything I was supposed...
  23. P

    Will mandarin dragonet outcompete my pipefish?

    I have 4 dragonface pipefish that have been doing great in my 75g for months. I feed frozen brine/mysis/cyclopods and they eat a bit of frozen but mostly forage for pods. I want a pair of mandarin dragonets but I wonder if they will outcompete my pipefish. My pod population is booming and I keep...
  24. Nemesis of Pistol Shrimps

    Favorite Dragonet Variety?

    Hello, I'm looking to get a mandarin fish as my last fish when my tank is completely established and filled with copepods in the refugium. I'm interested to see which type of mandarin are your favorites. The dragonets I've included in the poll are all from Liveaquaria.
  25. L

    just one more?

    i have an infamous 20 gal cube with a flasher wrasse(temporarily i promise, and he is healthy with good weight and no deformity), a mandarin dragonet and a masked goby. could i add another fish like a small blenny(tail spot, two spot, pictus), shrimp goby(randall, yasha, yellow)or a spriger...