
  1. bobdesi

    ich or lympho on pink streak/cryptic wrasse

    Hi there, my Cryptic Wrasse affectionately named Steve Buscemi has some white spots on him today. One prominent one on the top of the dorsal fin, and another on the left side that is also amongst some paleness that I can’t tell if is part of the same thing or aggression from the clownfish, kind...
  2. D

    Is this lympho, ich or something worse?

    Just wondering if this is lympho (praying) or ich etc, it's had a very stressful few days we have had power cuts etc so any advice would be great!
  3. th365thli

    Regal Angel, possible lympho?

    Got my Regal Angel a couple days of ago on Sunday. Eats frozen mysis and brine/spirulina well. I noticed two white flecks at the end of the tail and some nodules at the base of the tail (fleshy part). This looks like lympho. Can anyone confirm? Fish is active and healthy otherwise. I know...
  4. J

    Pyramid Butterfly Fish

    Hello, My Pyramid Butterfly Fish (PBF) just finished QT and was in the DT for about 1.5 weeks now. I started noticing it developing white marks on the fins, almost clump like. Which I thought it maybe lympho. Kept monitoring for a few days, then the white lumps made its way to the eyes, now the...
  5. Reefdaddydave

    Is this Lympho on my Tomini Tang?

    Noticed these two white spots on my Tomini tang. Would this be Lympho? Thanks
  6. DBLA

    Possible lympho ID. Would like a second set of eyes.

    Is this lympho? If so do you adjust your QT procedure? So I received a juvenile emperor angelfish as well as a Flame angel from Divers den, went straight into 3% peroxide bath for 30min after temp acclimation float then on to a pre-dosed copper power QT at 1.0ppm. Slowly raised to 2.0 over...
  7. BifrostReefer

    Lympho assist from fire shrimp?

    I have a tang with lympho, I'm curious if there are any reef inhabitants that would help clean them off? Maybe cleaner wrasse or shrimp? A few times today I have noticed my yellow tang approach my blood red fire shrimp and allow a quick cleaning. I'm wondering if it's just coincidence or if the...