lps help

  1. Matt Bravo

    Candy cane receding?

    Hey guys so I’ve had this CC for about a month now and I realized that the mouth part looks like it’s sinking a lot. Is this a problem? If so how do I deal with it? I think there’s some skeleton starting to show as well
  2. Foggy Pirate

    Help with Hammer coral emergency!

    Is my hammer a lost cause. This tank has been stable for over a year. I recently started to feed a little more because Iv had low nutrients for so long and also got 2 nassarius snails. They seemed to have hard time finding the small pieces of food so long story short I fed about 1/3 more than I...
  3. coastalnanoreef

    Hammer coral closing help

    So I have a tank filled with hammers. A couple months ago one of my hammers looked really weird and closed up but was still open a little bit. It has stayed like that for roughly 2 months. Now a second hammers is doing it and a third looks like it might start soon. Any help would be greatly...
  4. I

    Torch Coral closed?

    I have this torch that I’m unsure what’s wrong with it. it looks like the tentacles have shrunk and haven’t come out in about a week. It was doing fine for the longest time but last week all of a sudden it no longer was opening like it should’ve. All my other corals are opening fine including 2...
  5. C

    Cyphastrea burning?

    Hi there! First post, bear with me. I’m concerned about my bling bling cyphastrea. It was growing like crazy for a few weeks, then I added a 2nd CURRENT USA ORBIT IC PRO light to my setup, and I think that’s when it started turning slightly white on the edge. Here are the results from the tests...
Ecotech Marine