lps coral issues

  1. T

    Acan Lord help

    I have had this acan for about 2 weeks and it has never puffed up and it is slowly showing more and more skeleton. I feed is mysis and fish pellets every other day. I am checking my parameters now so will post in a minute. I also have it in low light and flow. Not shadows though. My tank is...
  2. C

    LPS coral not extending

    Some of my LPS corals (frammer, torch, and goniopora) aren't extending properly, but my Acans are opening up just fine. I did upgrade my skimmer, and the nitrates/phosphate lowered, so I was confused if this was the reason or not. My parameters are : Phosphate : 0 Nitrate : 0 Calcium : 495...
  3. J

    Hammer coral recovery

    Hello. Got a question about hammer coral as this is my first time having one. I know they prefer moderate light and flow and while I thought I was providing that it seems maybe it was still a little to much. Some of the polyps retracted back into the skeleton. Since then I’ve dialed things in...
  4. J


    When I first got my hammer coral it was fully open and I got deployed and had my wife feed and do my water changes. When I came back home I realized that the middle of the coral would be retracted but the outsides would be open. I also noticed that it was in the process of splitting into two...
  5. LAA

    EMERGENCY Why won’t my Nepthea Open all the way?

    Hey guys, so my nepthea has slowly been opening less is this a problem? Along with this mhm Toadstool hasn’t opened at all in the past week.
  6. Minhaj Qazi

    Treating Brown Jelly Disease Successfully

    HI reefers. Hope all well. Off late i had been losing my torch coral heads one after another. Despite fragging the frag head could not survive the slow decay and finally Brown jelly was Visible just before its last breath. I searched various Forum and also read how Antibiotics can...
  7. jlayne503

    frogspawn not opening

    Hey experts, I have a frogspawn that I recently got and it has not been doing well. It was fully extended when it was at my lfs, but ever since I brought it home, it has never been the same. I have some other corals in the tank (acan, favia, candy cane, and a hammer.) They are all doing fine...
  8. Cantusaurus

    Euphyllia starting to randomly recede...? Not sure why... :(

    Hi, I am pretty concerned right now. My 5 head Pink Hammer I got about 1.5 months had lost one head last week. I cut off the head, and dipped it, but it continued to worsen and died. Then recently I noticed my little octospawn I got at the same time is starting to show a bit of skeleton. It...
  9. juarec0201

    Help! Lps, sps and softies Irritated/dying

    Hi y’all, I have a mixed reef mainly lps. I had an issue with 0 phosphates that I worked on and caused some issues. After things stabilized I did a water change to lower nitrates. Ever since the water change things have been taking a down trend and I’m losing pieces. Nitrates before water...
  10. maleks.reef

    What is wrong with my tank??

    Hi everyone. This will be a bit of a long one. My tank is 7 months old and I've been having issues with keeping LPS, and by issues I mean all my lps die after 1-3 months of being added. As of yesterday: NO3: 5, PO4: 0.03, Alk= 7.85. I don't do water changes as often as I should, the last time...
  11. M

    Hammer Coral closed up

    Hi reefers, My 50G has been doing great with just a walling hammer coral and a small mushroom frag. Hammer was doing well & I was able to replenish whatever trace elements it needed with weekly water changes. I decided to add some more coral and recently purchased a Torch and a Duncan. Since...
  12. Gianluca

    LPS irritated?

    I made a post yesterday about my concern over my LPS not opening. The torch had opened more but still looks irritated by something. The Acan is still shriveled. My pocillopora frag is looking irritated too. All of my softies are doing fine and my monti is doing well too. About 3 days ago I...
  13. J

    Please Help, I'm losing so many corals

    Hello, I have a 100 gallon Innovative Marine EXT100, and I'm losing corals. For lighting, I'm using two AI 32HDs. I run a protein skimmer, refugium (which is not at all growing my chaeto), a Carbon/GFO reactor plumbed into the manifold, and a UV sterilizer. I started this tank in November 2020...
  14. Zoa_Fanatic

    How long for candy canes to recover?

    I have some candy canes that have recently become super super mad for some reason. They deflated one day when I raised the pH of the water by 0.2 over about three days and now have slowly been reinflating during the day but looking like crap at night. Before and after pics attached. Any idea...
  15. Zoa_Fanatic

    Candy Cane Corals not inflating

    I've had these guys 8 months. They've gone from 2 heads to 20ish. The last 2 or 3 days they haven't wanted to inflate at all with the tissue held close to the skeleton. Tank is nearly 7 years old. Parameters are: Nitrate - 5ppm Nitrite - 0ppm Ammonia- 0 ppm Calcium - 520 ppm pH - 8.2...
  16. EliVChalk97

    Goni won’t open

    Hey all! Maybe someone has an idea of what I can do. I got an amazeballs goni awhile back and it was open and happy for a few months. I had to move it because a month was overgrown and I think it stung the Goni. It kind of extended once last week but it’s now closed again. ive changed flow...
  17. Gianluca

    Acan lord closed?

    hello all! I got an Acan about 3 weeks ago, it’s been doing well, but today when I came to check on it was closed up and dark, the other corals in my tank are all doing great, but this one isn’t doing well. I attached a photo, please let me know if you see any issues
  18. Zoa_Fanatic

    Mushroom coral help

    i got a small frag of toadstool mushroom Thursday. I also started running carbon. Today my LPS look bad and shriveled. Is this an effect of toxins from the mushroom or could it be the carbon leaching nutrients causing them to act bad? Just removed the carbon. salinity-1.025 pH-8.2 Nitrate-5ppm...
  19. Paul Kachirsky

    LPS Corals Keep Dying * HELP * Full Details

    Hi All. I have been having some issues with my 120 gallon reef. Current corals are Blastos, Acans, Scolys, Trachys, Lobos, Flower Rock Nem, Torches (And Hammers that died) I know that I have had some issues with nutrients (Big Spike) but it was been a ton better as you can see below. Current...
  20. M

    Acan Echinata abnormal growth?

    I bought this coral from my LFS about a week ago and have some concerns about it I'm hoping someone could help me out. I was told this is an acan echinata correct me if I am wrong but there seems to be a spiky white growth in it that doesn't seem to be part of the coral because the flesh recedes...
  21. AlexChef

    Slow to No LPS Growth

    I am wondering if anyone has any recommendations on why my LPS and zoas are showing very slow growth. I have a Fluval Evo with an AI prime light. I just got Seifert tests in the mail today to test all my levels. I am currently dosing 2 part 1.25ml of B Ionic 2 part. This tank has been running...
  22. J

    Elegance coral issue

    Hi everyone, I have this elegance coral. It has been like this for a couple days. Temp 77.5 Salt 35 Ammonia 0.2 (measured after feeding) Nitrite 0.1 Nitrate 0 Calcium 480 Magnesium 1480 Phosphate 0.05 ALK 8.6 pH 8.2 Any ideas on what it could be?
  23. Thereefdoc


    Parameters: Temp-77.6 Alk 11 PH 8.2 Ammonia and Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10 Phosphate around 0.03 CA- 450 MG- 1320 So for the past week or so my trachy isn’t looking to good. I moved it from its original spot around the same time it started looking deflated. My hammer has also started stinging a...
  24. D

    LPS Lord bleaching

    I hope someone one can help. I have this lps that was doing great for a month then suddenly and fairly rapidly shows signs of bleaching. I'm a novice at lps but have had success with softies. I thought it maybe getting attacked by the other lps there though I haven't seen it. Or too much light...
  25. Noahw730

    Frogspawn not too happy

    Hi there, I have had 2 frogspawn for a few weeks now in my nano, one opened up really nicely and now hardly opens up at all and the other hasn’t opened up anywhere near what it was like in my lfs. my params are Salinity: 35ppt Alk: 11.5 (using Red Sea coral pro) Calc: 450 Mag: 1350 Phosphate...