lps bailout

  1. T

    Hammer coral is Inflated

    It only does this at night, then it goes back to normal looking healthy when the lights turn back on. All my parameters are in line so u don't really know what is happening. I ordered some Lps from a guy and none of them had any flesh including this one, and they are all acting funny for the...
  2. afamuz

    Is my hammer dead?

    Got a hammer 1 week ago. Was doing perfectly fine till i saw my hermit one day eating at it and it had fallen off the rock. Now 2 days later it fully receded and you can see the skeleton. The little tentacles are completely loose and not puffy and it looks dead. The head at the back looks alive...
  3. Nanolifeuk

    Can flow cause Torch bailout?

    Struggling to find a spot where the flow is equally opposite in my tank. Torch polyps seem to lean towards on side. I’m concerned that the flow could maybe ‘peel’ the other side of flesh up thus causing bail out. Attached photo.
  4. jaime31

    Can my frogspawn come back from this?

    I got this frogspawn a few weeks ago at the reefapalooza along with some hammers. Both hammers are doing fine minus the frogspawn. All my parameters are in check besides my nitrates and phosphates that have since been corrected and monitored. Wanted to see the community's opinion to see if this...
  5. Lin0826

    Torch Splitting or peeling?

    Had this torch mid last year as one head, and slowly growing, the tissue at base receding just happened two day ago wondering is it not happy or splitting? All other torch in the tank has no sign of receding.
  6. D

    Cynarina Bailout

    Hi everyone, My Cynarina is bailed out with half of the fresh don't attach to the skeleton. I have talked to the guy from the local coral store. The suggestion I got is to try the luck by monitoring her closely and keeping feed her daily. If she is still eating then there is hope. In the past...
  7. J

    Please Help, I'm losing so many corals

    Hello, I have a 100 gallon Innovative Marine EXT100, and I'm losing corals. For lighting, I'm using two AI 32HDs. I run a protein skimmer, refugium (which is not at all growing my chaeto), a Carbon/GFO reactor plumbed into the manifold, and a UV sterilizer. I started this tank in November 2020...
  8. ThatsNoMoon

    LPS Bail Out But Why?

    Hi all, A month or two ago the head of my scoly came off the skeleton but everything else was fine, last month my two heads of frogspawn lost the heads overnight. This week my Acan lost a head and my macomoussa last 4 and my candy cane has lost 2. The heads are bailing out and I have no idea...
  9. W

    Lps Bailout Help

    Hi all, I’ve got a fun one. My lps polyps have decided it’s going to get big and beautiful just to fly off of their skeleton on me. First it was my space invader. I kind of expect it to happen cuz pectinia are fickle like that with their skeletons and tips but then my acan did the same thing...