lower nitrate

  1. Dad2Wyatt

    Water changes not lowering nitrates.. what do I do?

    My cycle ended about a week ago and since then I’ve performed 3 10% water changes. Basically every other day and tested parameters the next day. end of cycle: ammonia: 0, nitrite: 0, nitrate 40+ ppm 1st water change: ammonia: 0, nitrite: 0, nitrate: 20 ppm 2nd water change: ammonia: 0...
  2. Fer21

    High Nitrates after 50% water change, pls help! ( New Tank)

    Hi, I'm setting up a new tank its 15g, I been cycling since February 16th ( Coming up to week 6), I started by adding a raw shrimp and I let it decompose, it took a bit to build up ammonia after i had build up ammonia I took it out and I started adding Microbacter7 after one week i switch to...
  3. MarineDepot

    How to Lower Nitrates in a Saltwater Aquarium

    How to Lower Nitrates in a Saltwater Aquarium VIDEO: Proven Techniques For Success
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