low salinity

  1. Daved4

    What is the lowest salinity you've had in your reef tank?

    Hey everyone. I'm curious to see what anyone has to say about the lowest they've seen their salinity in their tank with corals still thriving? I recently realized my tank was running at 1.020 for quite a long period of time. Verified by 2 separate digital Milwaukee checkers. I've since brought...
  2. M

    Low salinity in new nano

    I’m brand new to saltwater so I decided to get a EVO 13.5 gal to start off. I bought water from my local aquarium store… I set everything up with the sand and rock I bought all the essential I thought I would need expect (protein skimmer) but it’s been 2 days and 1.023 PPT and i was told it...
  3. MJV15

    Salinity screw up need to raise my tank from 1.017

    Situation up front, do to my poor selection in refractometers my 90 gal LPS dominate tank is currently sitting at 1.017 and I need to know how much and how quickly I should raise the salinity. I notice that about 2 weeks ago that my hammer wasn’t extending as much as he had been so I started...
  4. LEOreefer

    A helpful reminder for all my friends

    hey all! Just wanted to post a helpful reminder to check your salinity and calibrate your refractometer! I had during lps corals and bleached sps for the the last week. I tested all parameters Calcium:400 Alk: 9.2 Mag: 1245 Nitrate:5 Phosphate: .12 I couldn’t figure out for the life of me why...
  5. Kaiser

    Saliny low and it's Christmas Eve!

    I just noticed My salinity is around 1.018 and i don't own a RODI unit yet so I have no way of raising it since it's Christmas Eve and I have no idea if any stores will be open tomorrow, I have about 3 gallons of RO water in a jug so I might be able to mix salt water should I get my hands on...
  6. SBlisters

    Brand new to salt water- day 1

    Hello! I just had the surreal experience of winning a salt water tank last night. it is 30gal and has a variety of coral, live rock, a few types of snails, 2 Peppermint Shrimp and a young Clownfish. I was able to set it up last night with 90% of the original water and added 3gal of distilled...