low nutrient

  1. dumroll

    Identification and solution. Bryopsis? Cladophorosis? Something else?

    Hi R2R Team, I've been battling a nuisance algae for a little bit now. I initially thought it was bryopsis but have tried fluconazole with no luck. I have tried manual removal which will remove the amount initially but always comes back. I have also implemented reduced feeding by reducing total...
  2. V

    Advice with dealing with some Turf(?) Algae

    Hey guys, as the title has said above, I need some advice with dealing with this turf algae. Thanks in advanced! I mainly have two questions, 1. Any suggestions on how to deal with this algae? 2. I've noticed my nutrients being undetectable and my monti cap is starting to lose colour due...
  3. Tangina20

    Going from 0 to 2.5 nitrate is causing a lot of algae problems.

    I’ve had 0 nutrients in my 40 breeder for a long time because I only have 3 small fish in the system, after my corals have started losing colors I started heavier feedings and got my nitrate up to 2.5 and phosphate to .25 and the colors look better than ever but I’m starting to get a lot of...
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