loud drain

  1. kennedysherman

    Sump set-up incorrectly? Advise needed.

    Just added water to our new tank 2 days ago and the noise is incredibly loud. The tank is a Pro Star 90 gallon all-in-one set-up. I’m not sure if we set the sump up correctly or not.. as you can see in the video there is a sticker that says maximum water height and the water is well above it...
  2. P

    Elos Quiet drain Experience

    If you have an Elos tank with the Quiet drain system please share your thoughts on its noise, safety, and overall performance. I currently use a Herbie overflow system with an ecotech vectra pump. Unfortunately, the vectra is occasionally inconsistent in its output, yet the Herbie system is able...
  3. Mazamere

    Gurgling Emergency Stand Pipe

    Just set up 2nd hand 34 gallon cube. The water in the overflow is going into the emergency drain and making a gurgling sound. There is something that almost resembles a durso stand pipe on the main drain but not quite. I will attach some pictures and video to explain the set up a little...