
  1. P

    My first tank is not going well!

    So I saw this beauty this morning for the first time when I turned the lights on appears to be about 2 feet long (bristle worm) I was in too much shock and awe to do anything but take a some pictures. I have a 32 gal biocube I think that worm is WAY too big for the tank. I have never killed...
  2. B


    Hi yall! First time ever joining the forum! I'm pretty new to reefing(about 4 months in. REALLY NEW), and I'm already low on money. I shoulda budgeted lol. Anyways, i was wondering if you all could rank the items I'm listing from most important to least. But first my set-up. 90 gal, lights, ONLY...
  3. ElderMillennial

    Soooo…. Something I’ve never seen happen

    I bought a Green Tip Torch (along with some other corals). Had all of them in Quarantine for 6 weeks. I transferred them to the display tank last night. (125 Gal with 4 T5s). After the lights went out I did my normal acclimation process: Drip acclimate for an hour draining water out and...
  4. HonorableWhat

    Gatlingburg TN LFS help

    Visiting Gatlinburg tn and am trying to find a lfs to check out. But when i search for one on google all i get is ripleys aquarium or vsrious bait and tackle shops. Anyone know a name of a place they would reccomen checking out?
  5. C

    Missing fish?

    This morning I woke up to one fish in my tank. I have or had 2 clown fish but one is gone. It is a quarantine tank so there’s not very much in it. My filter cannot suck in any fish as well as as of the powerhead. Would it be possible for one clown to eat the other. I am so confused. I do have a...
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