losing flesh

  1. L

    Skeleton Flesh Slowly Receding

    I have 3 LPS corals currently, and all of them are slowly losing flesh along their sides, but seem to show no ill effects. I JUST received this NY Knicks torch. It acclimated almost immediately and looks awesome, but you can clearly see where the flash has gone up in ONE day. I also have this...
  2. Jeremy Chatham

    SPS New Coral Losing Flesh on SPS. HELP!

    Two of my recent addtions to my reef are losing their flesh at an alarming rate. This is a pretty new setup and I recently started dosing BIonic 2part about a 2 weeks ago. Recieved corals at 95degrees Farenheit about 4 days ago. I noticed the tissue loss the next morning. I had been following...
  3. Dan13

    Cannot keep SPS/LPS alive. Help please?

    I am having serious problems keeping certain SPS and LPS coral alive. My tank is around 2 years old now, and I have had huge success in keeping soft corals and zoas, but any LPS or SPS coral that I get usually lose their flesh. Montis, Acros, Acans.....they all look great when they go into the...
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