looking for livestock

  1. Justin Teufel

    Texas Live Goods Christmas Tree Worm Rock, Anyone selling?

    Howdy! I have been on a big journey in looking for a nice sizeable Christmas tree worm rock. I heard that they used to be available all of the time in the hobby, however they are now harder to come by. Does anyone know where I could find one? If anyone is selling one personally or you know...
  2. Justin Teufel

    Texas Live Goods Howdy Everyone, new tank, Looking for extra coral growth in the College Station area! (Aggie here!)

    Howdy y'all! It has been a hot minute since I have posted on here in awhile. Life has been busy with my new transfer to my new University - Texas A&M. Howdy all fellow ags!! I just transferred over this semester after my freshman year at my local college in New Jersey. I joined the Corps of...
  3. OcellarisClown

    California WTB WTB Large Monti Caps

    Hello reefers! Im looking for some large 5”+ monti caps to add to my reefscape and would like to know if anyone had any available! Thanks (:
  4. djm

    UK Online Livestock

    Can anyone recommend an online site for livestock, preferably one which pre-quarantines their fish?
  5. HookedReefing

    California WTB Looking for clowns and montis

    Hey guys! I'm looking for a clown fish pairs (preferably in some neat patterns) and some nice montipora! I'm a little new here so feel free to drop some tank tips or a greeting below! Its good to meet you guys! Down to pick up (los angeles) or pay for shipping.
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