longnose hawkfish

  1. TerrorTurtle

    Longnose hawkfish yawning?

    I’ve noticed since I got my longnose hawkfish about 4 month ago that he tends to open his mouth like he’s yawning. I tried to get a picture of it for like an hour but of course now he won’t do it. Is this just a thing they do or should I be concerned.
  2. HonorableWhat

    Longnose hawkfish question

    So! I am currently in the process of upgrading my 40g to a 100g tank and my favorite fish I've kept so far is the longnose hawkfish. I just love them and I am excited to give my little buddy more room to glide. My question is, can more than 1 longnose hawkfish be kept in a tank? Specifically...
  3. bert236

    Do hawk fish eat corals?

    I went in to the lfs today to pickup a long nose hawk fish and the guy at the store was adamant that it will eat all soft corals and some lps corals. I have never seen that in the research I did on these guys only that you had to worry about inverts around them. Has anyone had issues with hawk...
  4. Vapor_Tsunami

    Compatibility Question

    Hello! I am fairly new to the saltwater side of the hobby, and I have a 10 gallon coral tank with some montis and softies that I like a lot (no fish rn, might add a tailspot blenny or something similar). Either way, I'm liking the marine side of things a lot, and I was considering getting a 40...
  5. jackalexander

    Final Fish Choices

    Looking for a final fish to add into my 65g 4ft and thought of a smaller tang like kole tangs and bristoletooth tangs. I really want a yellow eye kole tang but it seems like they were affected by the Hawaii ban. Any suggestions? (Price Range: $50-120) I have: 2 clowns YWG Melanurus Longnose Hawk
  6. jackalexander

    Getting Quarantine Prepared

    So I had my diamond goby going through a 2 week copper treatment and then a 4 week observation/ internal parasite removal period (General Cure + Focus) and she’s currently on her last week before she goes back into the display. This is my first QT’d fish (it went surprisingly well) and I am...
  7. jackalexander

    Fish Compatibility

    I want to know if these fish/inverts will all work out together in a 32 Gallon: 2 WW clownfish 1 YWG 1 Small Longnose Hawkfish 1 Midas blenny 1 Male Melanurus Wrasse 1 Large Cleaner Shrimp Basic CUC Mainly LPS coral/ some SPS