
  1. th365thli

    EMERGENCY Longnose butterfly breathing hard

    Seems like I'm having trouble nowadays. The longnose butterfly i just got is breathing hard. It's kind of just hanging out at the top left corner. Is it scared? Or is there an underlying condition? No marks on the body. The LFS said it came from a salinity of 1.026. My tank is 1.024 to 1.025...
  2. M

    Long nose butterfly not swimming

    Hello I could really use some help. I purchased a butterfly fish about 2 weeks ago and up until now he has been doing just fine. Almost always out swimming, eating algae from the rocks, he would pick at the missus shrimp when fed. Didn't seem to eat a ton of them though. I went to feed the tank...
  3. Cole nelson

    Longnose hawk fish with mandarin

    Hello,I have had successfully owned a green mandarin goby for over a year in my 50 gallon reef tank. However, a buddy of mine offered me one of his fish from his 40 gallon reef.. a longnose hawk fish. I have loved these fish and always seen them to Be an interest, and have considered purchasing...
Atlantik Icon  reef aquarium LED Bar